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tvd: season 6, episode 16 - the downward spiral

tvd: season 6, episode 16 - the downward spiral

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THERE ARE ALWAYS FIVE STAGES OF GRIEF. They come in different times and it's not always the same for everyone. First comes denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. For vampires there are two choices...handle the pain and everything around it or turning the humanity switch off and not feel a single thing about anything or anyone. Vampires had an easy way out. One which Caroline Forbes has taken, after snapping Olivia's neck, the blonde vampire disappeared and took everything with her.

Olivia decided to stay with Elena to look for Caroline at Whitmore while Lucas and Stefan looked through Caroline's house. The two vampires at Whitmore found her side of the dorm completely cleared out, like she was never there to begin with.

"It's like she never lived here." Olivia shook her head holding her phone on loudspeaker with Stefan and Lucas on the other end, while Elena checked through Caroline's drawers. "How's her house?"

"Totally empty." Lucas announced with a sigh. "Caroline took everything but the damn doors off their hinges."

"So what, she just flips her humanity switch...came back to the dorm took all of her clothes, and thank-you notes and just left town?" Elena asked, "That makes no sense."

"This coming from the girl who burned her house down." Stefan replied causing the two girls to look at one another.

"Do you thing she's trying to cut off all ties from her past?" Elena asked, raising a brow.

"I certainly don't think she's having a yard sale, Elena." Lucas snapped, as he walked towards the empty hallways of the Forbes residency.

"Hey, calm down." Olivia told her best friend, "We're gonna look around campus maybe someone has seen her, I'll keep you both updated, call me if you both find anything."

"Alright, I will." Stefan sighed and ended the call.

"Looks like you two could use a friend." The voice of Bonnie Bennett caught their attention, the two turned around to face her with wide eyes.

"Bonnie? How are you—"

"—Alive?" Bonnie shrugged with a small smile as she walked towards them, "You'd think I'd be used to this part by now." Elena wasted no time to embrace her best friend with a hug.

Olivia smiled at the two, reuniting knowing how badly, Caroline and Elena wanted to save Bonnie from the Prison World. Olivia smiled at her, "Welcome home, Bonnie."

Bonnie smiled, "Thank you."

The three girls stood there in the middle of the room, celebrating Bonnie's return. Although, her and Olivia weren't that close they labeled themselves as acquaintances. They both knew how important they were to the friend group.

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