♡ ix. after

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y/n/n = your nick name

>your pov<

max rolls over and plops down to the left of me. we share a glance and then i stare at the wavy patterned popcorn ceiling.

oh my god.

what the fuck did we just do?


"i'd never kissed anyone before." i spurt

"what?" max snaps his head toward me

"i've been in relationships before, but we only ever held hands and hugged." i turn my head towards him, then look back at the ceiling "you were my first.. everything.."

"..fuck" max says

>max's pov<

did i really just.. fuck. I feel like an asshole.. fuck, she's never even kissed anyone before and i just ra- had sex with- this y/a year old girl.. what the fuck is she gonna tell people when they ask who her first kiss was? or who she lost her virginity to?? fuck.. and i have a fiancée.. shit.. she can never know. never ever.

i look over at y/n, my cum still on her chest. she's staring at the ceiling and there's tracks of tears going down the sides of her face. fuck, i need to make this right.

i sit up from the bed and pull my pants up then head to the bathroom. i grab a neatly folded washcloth from the counter then add warm water and scrub a little bar soap on it. i hope she doesn't hate me.

>your pov<

i hear the faucet turn off then max returns from the bathroom.

"..hey um.. would you like this?" max says shyly while holding up a wet cloth

i snap back into reality.

"oh- um, yeah yeah sure" i mutter as i sit up a little

max walks over to me and starts wiping up his cum on my chest and tummy with the rag, trying to avoid my breasts and nipples as best he can. he hovers over my right breast, looking up at me for approval. i nod and he continues cleaning me.

>max's pov<

i swipe all the droplets from y/n's chest and she seems to have calmed down a little. okay, alright, okay. she isn't mad at me. we're gonna be okay. maybe I can stop tip-toeing around everything now?

i lift her skirt up a little and nudge her thigh to the side. y/n looks up at me with a look mixed with disgust, disappointment, sadness, and anger.

"no, no i'm- i'm- it's-" i feel my cheeks flush red "so you don't drip" i sputter out

"...i got it" y/n sits up and takes the towel from my hand

"yeah, yeah no you- you do that yeah." i say while backing up and looking down at the stained carpet

well damn. i fucked that up.

>your pov<

I finish cleaning myself up then reach for my phone.

4:06 pm

god, already?

iMessage: 4 new texts


How much longer do you think you'll be there? 3:40 pm

Y/n/n? 3:45 pm

Hellooo??? 3:50 pm

Do I need to call y/f1's Mom? 3:57 pm

fuck. I should text her back.

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