♥︎ xi. request

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>time skip: two weeks later (friday)<

i haven't talked to max since what happened at the hotel. i tried to watch his new video where he melted all of his pokémon coins together with a blowtorch but i just can't do it. every time i hear his voice it just takes me back to that night.. the way he looked at me.. the way he hurt me.. the things he said to me.. i just can't handle it. i don't know whats been going on with max and katharine or if she found out or not.

i'm sitting in bed watching bad reality tv when i get an instagram notification

maxmoefoe wants to send you a message


i thought i blocked him

i open up instagram and go into my message requests

maxmoefoe: Hey. We need to talk.



why? so you can manipulate me into letting you rape me again?

Y/n, please. Just let me say what I need to say then you can call me an abusive asshole or whatever, okay?

fine. make it quick.

What i did was fucked up, i know that. Katharine found out and she broke up with me.

how'd she even find out, i thought you said "nobody can ever know". what happened to that, max?

She found your shirt in the hotel room and said she would tweet about it if i didn't tell her who's they were.

so you told her you raped a y/a year old fangirl?

Stop it with that. You said it yourself that it just got out of hand, so just get off my fucking case. And no, I told her that I was hanging out with a friend and we got carried away.

i am not your fucking friend, max. friends don't abuse friends.

Well not  anymore obv

why did you text me max

I want to make things right.

that's nice

Y/n, I need to apologize. Not just a half-assed pussy apology, I want to help you.

and how do you expect to do that, genius

Look, I only have 2 days left in y/s, I already booked a flight home in advance when i first got here and HTB and his sister are staying in my flat. This is my last chance. I'm in hotel number 387 at Louis & Family Motel. No noncey business. I'm leaving Sunday morning. Come if you want, or don't. It's your choice whether or not you want to see this sweaty lesbian one last time but just know I'm only here to help you, Y/n.

don't text me again. have a nice life max.

i shut my phone and the tv off and lay down.

fuck. i need to meet him.

i drift off to sleep and wake up to my cat sitting on my chest and my phone buzzing.

"yeah, yeah i'm up i'm up.. move, kitty. i love you but you're fucking fat jeez.. we need to cool it on the treats" i sit up and she climbs off of me. "mrrow!" she protests, her tail hanging low between her legs. she jumps off the bed and settles on a pile of clothes on the floor.

little asshole sitting on my new black jeans.. she's cute though so i'll forgive it

oh yeah, my phone, who the fuck would call me at- i look over at the clock- 9 in the morning

1 missed call: Unknown

well isn't that ominous

i dial back and hear a voicemail

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