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Luke clambered toward the of the mouth of the cave on Dagobah, sweating and out of breath. What did it mean, this vision of Vader? Why was it his face inside Vader's helmet?

He tripped over roots protruding through the cave wall and disappearing again into the cavern floor. Lying face first on the damp terrain, he reached for his lightsaber and ignited it to better illuminate his way. There, in the cave wall appeared to be an etching of a Mandalorian helmet. As Luke got to his feet and looked down at what had caused him to stumble, there, at the base of the cave wall lay two bundles of roots, one shattered and splintered, the other open and bowl shaped. And, for a brief moment, in the silence, Luke thought he could hear singing.

Orym Fett: The Fires of HothWhere stories live. Discover now