The Story

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          Eiji was ecstatic. For the first time ever, he was leaving Japan. He was going to America, New York specifically, to interview and photograph a gang leader. He wasn't quite positive on his name, or looks. All he knew was the gang leader was young, however he didn't know that he would be younger than him.

          The days leading up to the departure felt like they lasted decades each. Eiji could hardly wait to get to America and see what it was like there. He had looked up photos on his phone about what New York looked like, and he felt very excited. For the past week, he barely slept. The excitement was almost overwhelming, but he managed to get at least a few hours each night.

          It was now the night before Eiji and Ibe, the person he would be assisting, would leave to go to New York. For the first time in a while, he looked to his wrists. On his left, it said '9-16-17'. And the right, '2-23-19'. The fact that the dates were so close made him nervous, however he knew he would get to know his soulmate well enough. Well, he hoped so anyways.

          Everyone had two dates on their wrists from when they turned 16. The one on the left wrist was the day you would meet your soulmate, and the one on the right was the day they would die.

           Eiji was currently 19, and had been waiting for 3 years for his soulmate. In all honesty, it was lucky it was only 3. Some people had to wait 10, 20, even 40 sometimes. His meeting day was set for tomorrow. In his head, it was surreal that the person he may spend his eternity with, he would meet tomorrow- that is if the dates could magically change.

           It was currently 11:20 pm and for very obvious reasons, Eiji couldn't sleep. He would check his phone every few minutes. He attempted to sleep, but would get a giddy feeling that made him wake again. He closed his eyes and thought to himself. 'Sure, I'll meet my soulmate tomorrow, nothing too special right?' He rolled onto his side and curled into his pillow. Despite his mind racing, he was going to force himself asleep. Slowly yet surely, it may have been an hour later -he wasn't sure- Eiji had fallen asleep.


          The next day, September the 16th, Eiji for the first time in a while, slept in. It wasn't a bad thing, his parents were getting concerned at how late he'd sleep and then how early he'd wake. When Eiji did wake up, he checked his phone. It was 10:42 am. Seeing as his flight left at 4:30, he was okay to be sleeping in for once. Sitting up, he stretched, probably the best morning stretch of his life. Eiji was surprised at how well he slept.

           With a yawn and a wobble he made his way out of bed, to his door, and down the hallway to the kitchen. Eiji was a morning person, this morning was no different despite the slight grogginess from the long rest.

           "Oh, good morning Eiji. I suppose you've slept well for once this week?" His mother greeted him with a grin. She handed Eiji a bowl of breakfast she just finished. He took the bowl and smiled. It was his favorite, nattō over rice with some egg.

            "Ah, thank you mom." He sat down at the table, not before bowing in appreciation at his mother. Using his chopsticks, he took a piece of egg with the rice and ate. Eiji hummed. His mother always knew how to make outstanding food. He took about another 5 minutes to finish eating, and then he rinsed his bowl.

          After eating, Eiji headed back to his room to get changed for the day. 'What should I wear to the airport…? What do people wear at an airport..' He fumbled through his wardrobe until he decided on a very casual outfit. A light blue button up under a red tee shirt, and a navy jacket over it. He had on khakis as well. Okay maybe it wasn't the most casual but he really wasn't sure what to expect. 

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