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Sienna pov
I haven't gotten my period yet and it's been a month and I'm nervous beyond nervous, it's too soon for another baby. Even if it was too soon I'd still love it because I loved being pregnant. I needed to buy a test and talk to Harry soon but I mostly wanted to wait to tell him but I knew I couldn't. But I have had morning sickness well, it should be called all day sickness since everything I eat makes me feel sick to my stomach.
"Hey love, still feeling sick." He asks me handing me Brantley who is reaching for me.
"Yeah, but I think I should feel better soon, I'm not super but I'm fine." I say letting Brantley crawl on me eventually laying his head on my stomach as I rub his back. Harry soon sits down next to me kissing my forehead.
"Maybe we should take you to the doctor, si it's been going on for over a month." He says
Damn him and his logical thinking.
"I'm okay I promise." I tell him sitting up as we go downstairs, I'm doing by best to try and get Brantley to walk without holding both of my hands.
"If you don't feel better soon we are going to the doctor, I don't care how stubborn you are. I will drag you there, you aren't fine." He tells me rubbing his hand up and down my arm.
"I know I know, calm down." I tell him knowing I need to text Gemma about this I'm not ready for another kid I just got my body back to normal. But I know I need to tell Harry but I really don't want to.
"Mommy! Mommy!" Luna says running from downstairs.
"Slow down darling I don't want you to fall." I tell her walking over to her. "What's up."
"Can we go do tricks outside please." She asks me giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Of course but after we have a snack, ok." I tell her cutting up some fruit for her and getting a couple of puffs for Brantley. After they finished Harry brought out Luna's gymnastics mat. Brantley playing in the grass and Luna stretching before doing some tricks smiling I have Brantley standing on walking or waddling you could call it with my help. Luna keeps doing her simple skills knowing she can only do more if I'm spotting her. I set Brantley down on his play mat as I go spot Luna while she does her tricks. After a couple of times spotting her I let her do tricks herself, I stay close watching. Slowly upping her skill level, I let her mess around, while I go make lunch and put brant down for a nap.
"Sienna come here please." Harry calls out to me and I come running down the steps to the backyard seeing Luna crying and holding her wrist, looking extremely pale.
"I'm sorry mommy I'm sorry." Luna says through her tears.
"It wasn't your fault lunes, deep breaths with me." I say having her breath in and out with me.
"What happened." I ask looking at Luna's wrist, looking at Harry.
"I don't think she locked her arms and her arms gave out." He tells me picking Luna up bringing her inside setting her on the counter, I examine her arm seeing that it's most definitely either broken or fractured and she looks like she's gonna throw up . I had put some ice on it and gave her some Tylenol.
"I'm gonna call Anne for her to come watch, brant she most likely needs a cast." I say before calling Anne who tells me she will be on her way. I comfort Luna while we wait for Anne, I keep her arm up with the ice on it. Anne arrive and we go to the hospital knowing she needs to get an X-ray and a cast on her wrist. "It's okay remember when we went and I took a picture of your leg this one is gonna do the same." I tell her as the nice lady takes her back to do her X-rays.
"This is all my fault Harry we shouldn't have let her do tricks." I tell him tears in my eyes, I feel horrible.
"No no it's not we didn't know that she wouldn't lock her arms, it was just an accident they happen sometimes. It will be okay, she'll be ok." He tell me hugging me and kissing me as we wait for her X-rays to finish. Luna comes back still in pain but they put her arm in a cast and she chooses the color purple and she's happy but still in a bit of pain, we stop and get her some ice cream for being a trooper. We get home and Luna rushes over to Anne who greet her with a tight hug kissing her head.
"Look nana it's purple." She tells her holding her arm out.
"It's very pretty, you feel better now." Anne tells her bringing her over to the couch holding her as they watch a movie, I change Brantley and go downstairs and sit next to Harry. After the movie Anne ends up going home and I put the kids to bed setting alarms to wake Luna up for more Tylenol so she could try and sleep.
"Stop beating yourself up darling I know you feel bad but kids get hurt." He tells me kissing my lips then head.
"I can't H, I'm such a bad mom." I say looking up at him with tears threatening to fall.
"Sienna, you are an amazing mom to Luna and Brantley, accidents happen." He says.
"Thank you, you're an amazing dad and husband." I tell him resting my head on his chest, knowing I need to take a pregnancy test to know if I'm actually pregnant. I kiss him before getting up to give my a some more medicine seeing this will last the rest of the night. Harry and I fall asleep exhausted.

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