Chapter 3

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"Call them, doofus. They need to know where you are, they must be worried." He said, handing his phone over to me. I sigh and take it. I dial my house number and wait for my parents to pick me up. "Hello, Mrs. Choi speaking" "Mom, hi." "Oh sweetie, where are you? Honey, your father is worried a lot. At least tell us where you are, so either one can pick you up." I narrate the whole incident to my mom, and she tells me to wait over there with him. I sit in silence, not talking nor making eye contact with him. After a few minutes, I hear the horn beep and I try to get up, but the feeling of pain is immediately visible on my face. Wonwoo, upon noticing it, takes my arm and puts it over his shoulder. He signals me to hover my injured foot up and helps me to go down the flight of stairs.

As soon as we get down and out the front door, we see my dad tapping his foot worriedly. As soon as he sets his eyes on me, he runs and hugs me tight. He pulls away and checks me for any bruises. That is, until his eyes fall onto the bandaged foot. "My pumpkin, what happened to your foot, is it hurting really bad?" He turns over to face Wonwoo "Thank you for taking care of my daughter, she would have been hurt and stuck somewhere we wouldn't have known" Wonwoo smiled and bowed "It is noting Mr. Choi, it was my duty anyways." Dad and I go into the car, while Wonwoo just watches us go in. I wave a bit and Wonwoo smiles back.

The next day, I had to wear crutches to school. On the way to my locker, I meet Sana and Yuta. Yuta rushes towards me, worry written all over his face. "Are you ok Miyeon, what happened?" Yuta cups my face in his hands. I then tell them about the whole incident, and they were startled to say the least. "Thank god Wonwoo came just in time," Sana chirps "otherwise something bad must have happened to you." "And we really don't want that now, do we?" Yuta says, bending down my height, looking straight at me with that sweet contagious smile of his. I could not help but blush slightly, he was just really close to me, it made me fluster. Out of nowhere, a hand is placed over my shoulder, and Yuta backs off.

"Don't you think you are being a little too close with her? Give her some space bro." I hear a deep voice speak up. I look up to see Wonwoo with his cold glare. He then walks away, his hands in his pocket. After he left, the bell rang, and we all left for our respective classes. I had Art with Wonwoo right now, and I was excited. I would have been skipping if it were not for these crutches. Honestly, I really owe Wonwoo something for helping me. A trip to the new diner downtown would not hurt. This incident made me see Wonwoo in a whole new light. He was less of a stuck up, more of a cold, closed off person in my sight. I entered the class to see Wonwoo judging something on his easel. I take a seat near him. "Do you have to always take a seat near me? Just because we are stuck in Mrs. Lee's class, doesn't mean we are always together." That hurt, but I was pretty sure he did not mean it. I shook my head, as if I were not caring about his words.

The teacher enters and we all bow to wish him. Well, if Mrs. Lee wore frills and colour, he wore a grey vest over a white shirt and khakis. "Hello students," he drags on the last word with his monotonous voice, "I'm Mr Park and I will be your Art teacher." I was instantly bored, his flat voice made me sleepy. Art was supposed to be a lively subject, one were the mind's creative juices start flowing and you can do whatever with this blank piece of canvas. "Now students, today we will be drawing portraits. Pair up with the one sitting beside you and you both must draw the other person."

Thank my lucky stars, I got paired with Wonwoo. I scoot a bit closer and turn my easel away from him. I hear him huff slightly, but I did not mind I was happy. After some time, Mr. Park told us to stop and called upon each pair to present their drawing. "Ok, umm, Miyeon and Wonwoo, come up to the front and present your sketches please." I get my clutches and Wonwoo walks behind me. He helps me show my drawing to the class. All the students and Mr. Park look at it in awe, while few gasps. "Ms. Choi, that looks really good, maybe you could have sketched the background but considering the time limit given, that is almost lifelike. It is one of the most beautiful pieces I have seen." Mr. Park comments. Then Wonwoo presents his, and the class squeal in excitement. I try to take a good look and I am wowed by it. It really looked like me, but from his face you could not tell what he was feeling. "Mr. Jeon, this is also a really good piece, you could have made the nose a little smaller but apart from that, this is also an almost perfect piece." The class erupts into clapping, I look over to Wonwoo, but he seemed to wear a blank look.

We both get back to our seats. The day goes smoothly as well, and today I was happy that Mrs. Lee could see progress in me. At the end of school, I try to catch up to Wonwoo as he was about to leave. "Hey Wonwoo, I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday. So, I just wanted to treat you to something, as a thanks." He just lifts an eyebrow up and says, "You don't need to worry about it, I just helped your clumsy self". I just looked at him, pleading. After some time, he sighed loudly and nodded. I told him to follow me.

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