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Tatiana was now 16 and she has made a name for herself. They called her the immortal queen. Some say that she isn't friendly, but only to her mate Caius. She is also known to be extremely powerful. Some feared her. Some were curious. Some simply ignored her. "Father." Tatiana said as she walked in.

"Princess, it's time for us to talk." He said making Tatiana nod. "I have told you when you were old enough that you are mated to Caius." She nods. "It's time for the two of you to be together."

"Really?" Tatiana asked excitedly. She has been wanting to be with Caius since she turned 12.

Marcus chuckled with a nod. "He has been waiting for a long time for you to age and now that today you are 16 the two of you can finally be together."
Caius saw his mate outside looking at the fountain. He walked over and kissed her head. She looked up at him and smiled. "Hello, Caius."

"Marcus told you the news."

"We can finally be together." Tatiana says.

"Yes." He tells her. "I have a beautiful mate by my side now." Tatiana smiled. "I just hope no one pisses you off, but I would love to see that wicked side come back out."

The immortal witch laughed as she saw him sparkling from the sun and pulled his hood over his head. "You may be around me, but I don't want people being suspicious." She tells him. "You know that it's almost time for a tour group."

"I'm fine."

Tatiana knew he was lying and moved her white hair to the side. "You can feed from me." She tells him. "I can't die."

Caius shook his head, but leaned in anyway. Tatiana wasn't scared of him. She has been secretly letting him feed from her when she turned 12. Caius always made her feel comfortable. He pulled away and looked at the white haired girl before he kissed her.

Tatiana finally had her first kiss and it was with her mate. The two pulled away as they stared at one another. Everything was perfect for them. Marcus and Aro smiled at the light in their life. "It won't be long till they have wed." Aro says.

"She will be an amazing queen." Marcus said.

Caius helped her up as they walked in together. "On her 18th birthday she will be wed. All those stories or rumors about her will be proven to those who shall cross us or her." Aro says. "Tatiana is a force to be reckon with."

Marcus looked at Aro as did Tatiana and Caius. They knew this was a new beginning.  The stories and rumors were about to be proven true.

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