9: So unbelievably clueless

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Amber POV:

*eleanorcalder liked your picture*

I smiled and threw my phone on my bed as I changed into my nightclothes. I got home VIA taxi as I didn't want to bother Maddie any longer and I honestly wasn't in the mood for spilling everything just yet. I had texted her earlier to let her know I was home, but she still hadn't answered. I still had to process it myself. Even though I was practically forced to attend this concert, I enjoyed it- except for the fact that I barely knew any of the songs.

Eleanor was trying to hide her laughs from me but I was honestly pathetic. After the show ended she said she had "stuff," so I decided to let her go after I got her Instagram. I still didn't get a chance to view her profile just yet though as I had just gotten home and I was stressing out the entire drive back. I saw my phone flash on my bed again so I quickly pulled on a comfortable hoodie and jumped into bed.

"Hi, Ambear (sorry I had to use it)! I was wondering if you wanted to come to tomorrow night's concert with me again! I've got seats and maybe your friend can come too! Of course, only if you want to- ALSO- I think you could tell I wanted to tell you something- so I'll let you know tomorrow if you don't find out by then! Hope I'll see you then! Xx, Eleanor :)"

Spill something? Obviously, I could tell she wanted to tell me something! Who couldn't? She had seats? Random seats? I was also surprised to learn that she was a full 2 years older than me, at 21 years old! She looked and acted so young! I quickly exited out of the private message and checked her Instagram profile.


(it's about to go down hahaha)

"Eleanor FREAKING Calder LIKED your pictures AND FOLLOWED YOU?!" Maddie texted me.


Ring! Ring! Ring!


I quickly answered and turned the volume down.

"What?!" I whispered in a snap.

"WHAT? YOU TELL ME WHAT?!" She whisper-yelled.

"Why are you freaking out-and how is El famous?" I wondered out loud.

"EL?!" Maddie whisper-yelled.

"Yeah! She's this really nice girl I met at the"

"Let me guess- at the concert?" Maddie snapped.

"Yes- how did-"

"You are so unbelievably clueless!" Maddie exclaimed.

"What?" I whisper-yelled.

How did she know who Eleanor was, and how was Eleanor famous? I mean- she was a simple 21-year-old girl who was about to graduate from University! How would she-

"SHE'S LOUIS'S GIRLFRIEND!" Maddie exclaimed as I felt myself sink into my bed.

"Wha- Wait- Which one's Louis?" I asked, a bit confused.

"Wait let me find him," I muttered, searching his name on Instagram.

"You hung out with Eleanor Calder for 2 hours straight and had no idea who she was?!" Maddie exclaimed in shock.

"Do you have any idea- DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW BIG THIS IS?" Maddie exclaimed.

"Okay, you know what- if I can get you to their concert tomorrow with her can you leave me alone to figure this out?!" I said in frustration as I examined Louis's Instagram.

"WHAT? Okay fine- but meet me at lunch tomorrow," She said.

"I'll text you the details tomorrow," She continued.

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