The truth came out

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Meredith didn't say any thing for a few minutes.a while Addison yelled "WHEN!"

Meredith said a few week after Derek left me.

Addison said after that " so you been sleeping with all of us then"

Meredith look at Addison with angry while saying this " first of all me and Derek were Dating then you come and ruined it then he left me for you then you wanted to sleep with me it
Not like you didn't have enjoyed are time a lot more then me"

Addison rolls her eyes thens leaves.

Derek say in annoyed in his eye " how"

Meredith said " you really wanted to know"

Derek then said " I would not be asking if I didn't wanted to know Meredith grey"

Meredith rolls her eyes, looks at Derek with worried in her eyes then said " after you left me ....... mark come to town then we started talking then become friends then one night I was at home he come to my house and I open the door then kissed me then that is that"

Derek said while having a attitude with it " so you sleep with me then my wife then my best friend,who else you sleeping with whore"

Meredith yells " GO TO HELL!,LEAVE"

Derek leave while Martha sits in without saying anything"

Martha sit down with Meredith and said " are you ok mer mer"

Meredith laughs a little told Martha "really that my nickname for me"

They both laugh and Martha said " I am sorry for what I said I was mad about you sleeping Addison"

Meredith moves a little closer to Martha and ask why she was mad " I was mad because I was jealous"

Meredith look shocked,Martha didn't say any thing but Meredith move towards a little then kissed her..Martha pulled away Meredith was scared then Martha went back and kissed her.

they stop kissing when mark comes into the room then he say sorry to intro-up but are you ok Meredith he moves close holds her hand are you ok.Martha leaves Meredith looks devastated in her eye.

Meredith looks back at mark,Meredith didn't want to tell him but she had no choice she didn't want her to be fat and mark asking who the father.then her saying you baby daddy.then she said " I need to tell you some thing...."

To be continued...

Thank you for reading I am so happy that people are reading my story yay 😀

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