What the actually fuck

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The next morning Meredith woke up with her baby daddy and Addison giving her a ultrasound.while Addison was giving her a ultrasound Addison came giving her a dirty looks.

But Addison stop and look at the screen like some thing wrong.Meredith grab mark hand hard.mark ask add what wrong. Addison didn't respond.so mark yelled " ADDISON what the hell is wrong"

Addison finally respond with " noting but Meredith your having triplet"

Meredith and marks face turns blue but then Meredith hit mark a lot of times then said " ahhhh why triplet mark I would be fine with one but THREE!"

Mark laugh a little give Meredith a kiss and said bye mark had a Trauma to go to.

Meredith put the pillow on her head and scream on the top of her lungs.

Addison started to laugh so hard to Almost peed her self.Meredith smile the. Said " how you feel have three humans living in you"

Addison stop laughing then said " I have to go"

Meredith grab her hand and ask what she said wrong.

Addison replied with " oh I can't have kids"

Meredith said sorry a lot of time but at the end they hugged it out but mark was about to come in the room. But he saw them together Derek walk past mark then mark ask what going on with them.

Derek laugh and then said " are you serious"

Mark said "yes"

Derek finally said " they been sleeping together the of the accident I saw them together"

Mark jaw went all the way down,mark got page again so he left.

To be continued...

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