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dedicated to franny bc I luv you <3 ty for persuading me to finally post this lollll

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Chapter 1: Greasers

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"Dude, I swear she was at least a nine."

"Please, Calum, Kelly Sullivan is a nine, Alicia is barely a seven--on a good day."

"Have you got your head on backwards? She's a dime and you know it."

"Fine, fine, whatever you wanna hear." Ashton turned towards the other booths. "You wanna know who's a nine, though?" Calum nodded eagerly, "See that chick over there, with the plaid top?" He pointed over to a small booth in the corner of the room, filled with more people than it was probably meant to hold. "That's Nina Richardson, she's a junior at Beverly." Nina was sat in the middle of the booth, obviously the center of attention within the large group.

Calum whistled lightly, "Damn Ashton, she's a killer. Is she hooked yet?" He asked, but kept his eyes trained on the young girls.

"She will be soon." Ashton laughed and nudged Calum.

"Not if I get her first!" Calum countered lamely, but Ashton merely raised his eyebrows and scoffed. "Fine, fine. What about her?" He pointed over to a smaller girl sitting across from Nina. She had honey blonde hair and a set of pearly whites you could see shining from across the room.

"Ruthy Peters? The paper shaker?" Calum nodded eagerly at him. "She's a freshman square, I would not go for her if I were you."

"I guess, but boy is she stacked!"

"She can't drive!" Ashton exclaimed and threw his hands up.

"Ok then, gosh don't have a cow." Calum rolled his eyes and decided to drop it.

Soon after, a voice called out from the door: "Hey-Ho! Ashy boy!"

"What do you want now Gillinsky?" Ashton asked tiredly, not bothering to turn towards the large boy. "And how come you always seem to find me God dammit." He complained under his breath.

"Well considering how oiled-up you are, I could see you shining from across the street at Murray's. Anywhosits, me and Pork-chop saw you and thought we might pay you a...friendly visit."

"Friendly my ass, you two are just cruising for a bruising *teen beach movie soundtrack starts playing* andfor some reason you feel the need to drag me into your god damn dogfights each time."

"Oh come on Irwin, I thought we were buddies!" He stepped up and wrapped a heavy arm around Ashton's shoulders.

"Not in your wildest dreams, meat-head." Ashton roughly pushed him off of his shoulders and slumped farther into the soda counter.

"Aw, what's the matter Ashy? Feeling shy?"

"You know what man, why don't you just leave us alone for once?" Calum spoke up and turned towards the two boys.

"Shut up, bucket head." Gillinsky disregarded him.

"That was one time!" He cried out in despair and threw his hands in the air, but no one was listening.

"Hey, are ya gonna ask them?" 'Pork-chop' asked his friend gruffly and fidgeted around slightly.

"Yeah, yeah, calm yourself." He waved him off and turned back towards Ashton. "I was wondering if you could maybe help me with something."

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