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Chapter 2: Girls

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warning: this is a very short and crappy chapter, I was planning on making it longer but I wanted to update sooner so... :)

"Benbrook? Benbrook?" The teacher droned on at the bored looking class. "Kathy Benbrook?" He rolled his eyes lazily around the room before giving up and moving on to the next name, "Pearson? Nick Pears-"

"Here." A boy in the back shoved his hand in the air for a moment before letting it fall down again.

"And um...Cooper?" Everyone lifted their heads up and looked around the room to see if they could spot any new faces. "Does anyone know a Cindy Cooper? Going once, going twice?" The students either shook their head or dropped their heads back into their desk, signifying that no one knew of the apparent new student. "Never mind then. Ok, class. Today we're studying the American Revolution. Does anyone know what year it happened?" The teacher turned towards the board and started his lecture. The rest of the student that hadn't already fallen asleep took that as their cue to do so, resting onto their folded arms and wrinkled jackets.

After a few minutes of the teacher droning on to the silent classroom, a small figure burst through the thin door of the classroom, panting slightly while she incoherently apologized for 'being so darn late'.

"Huh?" The teacher slouched against his desk and furrowed his eyebrows before remembering the 'missing' student, and assuming a more professional position. "Oh, right! You must be..." He glanced over to his folded attendance sheet, "Cindy Cracker!"

"Um, sure. Sorry for being so gosh-darn late though, Mister. I wasn't sure what classroom I had to go to, all the numbers and letters just got all jumbled up and such, I do apologize though, I really do." She rambled on and clutched her books tightly against her stomach.

"Yes, yes, that's alright." He rolled his head back towards the now-attentive classroom and resumed his lecture, leaving Cindy standing by the door with an eager look on her face.

"Excu-excuse me? Mister? Where should I sit down?"

"Oh, right. I guess somewhere over there." He waved his hand towards the right-hand side of the classroom, obviously not truly caring where she sat. Despite his vague instructions, she remained by the door, rocking back and forth on her heels with a confused expression. "Ok, well why don't you sit by Raven. She's got the red hair." He sighed and looked towards a girl in the right corner of the room, sitting slouched against her small desk. She wore a few layers of various mono-chromatic, loose fitting shirts underneath a grey zip-up hoodie and tight black jeans, staring blankly at her small hands as she silently chewed on a piece of gum. Cindy didn't really feel comfortable with the way that she acted towards her, though, and she silently hoped that this wouldn't be permanent seating. As Cindy made her way over to her, however, she noticed that there was no available seat anywhere near Nina, (thankfully) forcing her to sit in one of the few neglected desks in the center of the room. It squeaked slightly as she sat down, making her wince and shake her head as she set down her stuff. "Alright class, back to the Revolution..."

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I'd like to apologize for being so late on this update and stuff but on top of MAJOR writers block I've had a lot of stuff going on in my life and I also have to write two essays at once over this weekend *sighs* sorry for that lol

this was v crappy and short and I was planning on making it longer but I FELT SO BAD THAT I HAVENT UPDATED IN LIKE FOREVER that I had to :((( again, sorry if it sucks, I might actually delete it later and make it longer, tell me what you think :)

(I also have an idea on what's gonna happen in the next few chapters tho so I will be updating more yay!)

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wait I just realized I'm updating this at 12:00 and I've just finished a jumbo bag of Starbursts and coke (the drink u weirdos) what is my life

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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