Bieber Love Story "lifes a climb, but the views great"

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Part 4

I sat there waiting for his lips to lock with mine, he smelt amazing and I didn't know why I was thinking this. His hot breath came closer to mine and I moved a little forward. I wanted it over and done with. His lips FINALLY met mine and after a couple of seconds I felt his tongue on my lip obviously wanting access so I agreed to it. What harm could it do to me? He was so gently but, it had SO much passion into it, I had never been kissed like this and all I could say was amazing! I started getting butterflies everywhere in my body and I moved my hand from his cheek to his neck and wrapped my arm around it. We soon pulled away breathing hard and his head moved to mine and sat there, I bit my lip with a smile and he just smiled at me, he still had his arms around my waist and my arms where around his neck. I looked over at Ryan and he had a grin on his face and he looked like a little kid "What?" I laughed, he snapped out of it. "Um...em...uh... yeah, yous should just go out" he said obviously getting awkward "I think I'm gonna go to bed" I said smiling at Justin, I took my hands away from his neck and he loosened me from his grip, I walked over to Ryan and hugged him goodnight and whispered "Thank-you" in his ear, his smiled and laughed and I walked over to Justin and hugged him, he whispered in my ear "see you in the morning beautiful" and he kissed my head. The little voice inside my head went aaaaawwww.

I got half way down the hallway and I turned back and looked, they were jumping around like he just got his first kiss and I laughed and started to walk upstairs. What kept going through my head was 'you like him' 'you know for a fact that you don't hate him Ebony , you like him. Alot.' He was so gentle and he really cared for girls, I don't think he would mess with there hearts. Oh, life confused me. I didn't know what he ment by "I've been wanting to do this all day" ? with just confused me the more I thought about it. He was so sweet.

I woke up at and looked at my clock it was 2.30am, I got up and went to get a drink. I could hear people talking but, I didn't know who it was. I got to the bottom of the stairs and went to the kitchen , and opened the fridge and got some milk out "Scooter, I'm not even kidding. I know she's your niece and everything but, you're the only person I can tell about this cause you know what my Mum & Ryan are like, they will drop hints" Scooter laughed "ok, tell me. It better be good if you woke me up at 3.20 in the morning" he laughed" "ok, see after you and Carin went to bed? Well Ryan being his dorky self wanted to play Spin the Bottle *Scooter laughs* and then it landed on Ebony and then Me and we had to kiss, and.. And I really like her. When I was kissing her it was different from all the other kisses I've had. I had butterflies in my body and my heart started to race really fast. Man I don't know what to do. I can't like her all ready, I've only known her for not even a day yet." "well man, you know what they say Love at First Sight" Justin laughed "and if it's not knowing her that well, take her somewhere. Make it special and get to know her. Talk to her like you have known her for years" I smiled, Uncle Scooter being a romantic made me laugh a bit, I walked out the kitchen and tiptoed up the stairs, but only half way. I wanted to hear the rest of it. "okay, what does she like, or what does she think will be special?" "um, she likes Twilight. She always said that when she goes on a date she wants to go in one of those big fields with all the flowers and for it to be all sunny and just to talk, get to know them better" "better go to bed know, looks like I've got a lot of planning to do" Scooter laughed "need anything else , just come to me" "will do man, thanks" I heard him coming so I ran back to my room and jumped back into my bed and closed my eyes.

I heard my door open and someone walk up to me. They touched my cheek and kissed my forehead. It was Justin , he kissed my lips and I smiled and kissed back and opened my eyes. He pulled back, in a little bit of shock. I Just smiled and smiled "What?" he laughed "your just cute when your being all ... not, and dick" he smiled and blushed & it was SO cute, I never thought I would say that but, ugh, it was so hard not to "um, I'll see you in the morning" he smiled "sleep in here" I said "don't think Scooter or Carin will like that" I giggled, "if they say anything I will just tell them, okay?" he smiled and got in and cuddled me. We just sat there looking in each others eyes and smiling "you don't hate me anymore?" he laughed "nope, I like you. A lot" I giggled and looked down "I like you a lot too" he said and kissed my lips. Looks like I know what my futures going to be like.

I woke up the next morning and looked at my phone and I had a missed call from my mum, I pressed call and called her

"hey mum" I said laughing at how cute Justin looks when he is sleeping

"hey honey.... Why are you in a good mood?"

I giggled "no reason"

"don't lie too me, that I not just any giggle, that's a ' I like a boy giggle' she laughed down the phone

|"danm you know me too well." she laughed "so who is he? And when im I getting to meet him"

Why was she so interested, she was the one that couldn't handle me anymore. She practically jumped at the first chance she git to get rid of me. "your not, but I gotta go. Need to get ready. Talk to you later bye" and I hung up, I did missed her but, I was angry at her.

Justin's eyes started to open and I just looked at him smiling,, he saw me and smiled back "hey, what times it?" he said rubbing his eyes and sitting up "like, half 7" I giggle at the way her responded and got up "I'm going to get ready and then get something to eat... want anything?" he said walking up behind me "um, yeah. I'm gonna get ready too and then I'll be down" he kissed my cheek and then went to his room to get ready. I was falling for him, and I'm scared.

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