Chapter 7 - Down In Flames

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Lower Level 72

Surik had made his way down a few levels of the slums of Coruscant. He saw the side glances people were giving him. He stood out like a sore thumb, he needed to get rid of his Jedi clothes to draw prying eyes away.

He quickly bumped into a hooded Twi'lek male who kept staring at Surik, analyzing him as he said, "Sorry" and kept running. The Twi'lek man shifted through the streets and made his way into a building that was dark, littered and dust ridden. He opened his comms channel and gave word, "I found him boss." The Twi'lek man said. "He's on Lower Level 72."

The voice on the comms replied, "Take him, alive. I don't wish to anger our employer."

Surik managed to swap clothes he found hanging on a rack behind a dark alley. They were a little torn and ragged. But they'd do the job, he thought. A loud blaster noise errupted, screams from the people walking by were screaming "Run!" As walked back into the street, he noticed people were running away in both directions, away from his area. As the crowd started to disperse, slowly, one by one, goons with blasters were remaining from the running crowd. He soon recognized the Twi'lek man, it was the man he jist bumped into not more than 10 minutes ago. He seemed to be leading the goons, when they all revealed themselves. It seemed to be around 24 men surrounding him.

"Come on now, be a good mutt and just give up!" One of the goons shouted. Surik pulled out his lightsaber, igniting it. The goons seemed unimpressed which confounded Surik. He thought they'd run at the sight of a Jedi. "Get him!" The leader yelled. Light yellow lasers blasted from their weapons, Surik trying his best to deflect all shots, he managed to deflect a few back at some of the goons. But one slipped through, hitting his right thigh. He felt it go numb immediately, leaving him with his left leg support him up. He couldn't move it. Then, they hit his right arm, followed by his chest. He lay there, looking up at the dirty levels of lower Coruscant. The leader, the Twi'lek walked up to him and stood over him. "Sorry kid." He shot Surik and it all went black.


Surik woke up, his eyes fluttered as a hard light shined on his eyes. "Your payment." A man said.

"Ah, good." The voice of the Twi'lek was clear.

"Now leave us." Surik heard the Twi'lek walk away, his vision was still a little blurry and he couldn't make out the other voice. He had a quite raspy voice. "Well... The legendary grandson of the Exile." After having said those words, he slapped his hands down on Surik's shoulders. He could feel his skin stinging from the slap. "Here with us." After this, he proceeded to walk around Surik. "Turn off the light." The hard shift from the dark room to the lit up room caused him some discomfort. "I'll be honest, had I not bumped into you, you'd still be back at the Temple, enjoying your time with Reesa."

"What?" Surik asked, confounded as to how he knew about Reesa. "How do you know that?"

"Really? You don't recognize me?" After a brief pause, he said his next words in a sarcastic manner, "Old friend."

Surik was just regaining his eyesight as he simply responded, "Kislo." The raspy voice threw him off, and his appearance had changed. The right side of his face had been burned.

"What happened?" Surik asked.

"You asking about where I've been? Or what's with my face?" Kislo asked with small grin on his face.

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