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August 4th
Elleya Grace

I was so close to finally being free. It was only a few feet away from me; all I had to do was grab it. But I couldn't do it, not yet anyway. I was still terribly stuck in a dirt hole, still struggling to finish getting out of it. Luke of course continued to help me just a little bit, with his little words of encouragement.

It was enough to push me past the party incident with Damen, but was it enough to bring me to confront someone I once called my sister? Barely.

I felt like a lost puppy, constantly going in circles, going back and forth between fighting for what I wanted so badly and backing down in complete submission. For the longest time, I had caved into the dominating darkness, letting it take its stab at me. And it never took just one strike. It took multiple ones, nearly destroying me; leaving me a complete mess. It was unrelenting. Even then as I remained conflicted, I did everything I could to fight off the persistent, storming darkness.

Luke knew I was fighting an internal battle again. We both sat in an uncomfortable silence in the back corner of the library, away from everyone. I just tested my head on my knees, which were hugged close to my chest. Katelyn was the only person on my mind. Katelyn. Katelyn. Katelyn.

She didn't give a shit. She gave up. She left me with a dangerous, drunk guy and she believed the bullshit he fed to her. Then she left. Didn't even say goodbye. Didn't even have the decency to tell me her reasoning to my face.

How was I supposed to come to terms with everything she had done wrong, when all of her faults were done with no mercy. I just wanted her to try. That didn't mean inviting me to parties and pressuring me into uncomfortable situations. It also didn't mean to insult me repeatedly and make me feel guilty for feeling the way I had been feeling for the past three years. But that's what she did and it wasn't okay. All it ever did was make me feel like a nuisance in this world.

"Are you okay?" His gentle voice snapped me out of my over-bearing thoughts.

"Um y-yeah...I'm fine." I nodded my head slowly, though I avoided meeting his tentative gaze.

"You and I both know that's a lie." He narrowed his eyes at me before scooting over so that he sat in front of me. "You were fine just a bit ago, what's really wrong?"

"Katelyn...seeing Damen," I paused and emitted a sigh. "...just reminded me that she walked out on me for good." I feel his hands grab mine, fingers swiftly entwining with mine. This I couldn't ignore. My eyes slowly travelled up to lock with his. Luke's gaze was softened, but concerned.

"I know it's hard for you to escape just the small thought of her, but you know as well as I do that you can't runaway from her forever." He spoke quietly. His words engraved into my mind and for a moment I could feel them eating at me tauntingly. It was then that I pull my hands out of his and bring up to cover my face.

Don't cry in here Elleya. Not now. Not now.

"I'm not running away from her!" I let out a choked up sob, my nose quickly growing runny as tears began to spill.

"You are." His words cut like knives. Suddenly I felt as if he were for once taking her side and it hurt. A lot.

"You're wrong! I was waiting for her, Luke. I was waiting for her to come to me and say that everything was alright and she never did! So I gave up, okay?! She made a promise and she broke it. I lost my trust in her what was I supposed to do?" I cried out. I attempted to keep my voice quiet enough but that was impossible. People already began to turn their heads and stare at me like I was crazy. It was high school all over again. At least it felt like it.

"You didn't fight for her, El. I know it's difficult for you to hear this from me. I'm not saying she wasn't wrong for the things she did to you, but you play a part in this too. If you wanted her to try you had to put in effort too. You can't sit around waiting for her to come back." He explained, his hands quickly palming cheeks and forcing me to look at him.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" I whimpered.

"Fight for her. Fight for her like I fought for you." He answered.

"What if she doesn't listen?"

"Then she isn't worth your time, but you'll never know the outcome of you don't try." Luke removed his hands from my face to connect one of his hands with mine.

"I'm not ready yet." I sniffled, wiping away a couple of last minute tears. He sent me a sympathetic, half smile and leaned closer to me. I could feel his warm breath fanning against my face. It was steady and slow.

"You're so much stronger than you think, you know?" He murmured, his eyes following mine.

"I don't feel strong..." I sighed, turning away, but he tilts it back.

"You will. I mean remember what you did to Damen? You didn't even need me at all and I think that's incredibly brave of you to face him like that." Luke reassured, affectionately running his thumb across my cheek. He was right about that, but when it came to Kateyln -- I always felt weak.

"Can we go back home? I'm tired." I said under my breath. He gave a small nod before leaning back and helping me to my feet.

"Should I throw in cuddling and hot chocolate too?" I found myself smiling at his offer as he led me out of the library.

"I would quite like that. Can Michael join too?" I asked. For a moment, Luke furrowed his eyebrows, somewhat confused by my question.

"Michael? Of all people you chose that dork?"

"Don't forget you're friends with that dork!" I smacked his arm playfully. "If anything you guys get along so well because you're both dorks."

"I suppose you're right. I can't really so no either, Michael has grown rather fond of you. Thinks of you as a sister." He laughed lightly.

"I know. He's been good company when you're gone."

"Well I be sure to tell him to quit his game testing for a short while, but don't be surprised when he suggests Spider-Man."

"I'd actually be happy with that. Besides Andrew Garfield is rather easy on the eyes."

"And what am I?"

"The boy who foolishly helped a helpless little bird." By this point we reached the car. Luke stopped hearing my words, not opening the door just yet.

"What?" I froze noticing the intent way he was gazing at me. He only stood a few feet away, his eyes flickering back and forth between my eyes and -- my lips. No response had yet to fall from his own mouth. Instead, he lunged forward instantly connecting his lips with mine. I back against the car, not breaking the contact for a second.

Without notice, Luke pulled away, bringing his hand up to cup my chin. His thumb grazed across my bottom lip, his gaze still just as intent.

"I'm not a fool for helping you, little bird. Nor are you helpless. You are a strong little bird, and I love you."


I'm not sure how I feel about that last bit, I honestly just wanted Elleya and Luke to kiss again. But if you have any ideas for the next chapter, please comment them 'cause I'm kind of stuck.

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