Death Rises

978 27 2

It was storming outside, almost five to seven hours of rain has still been pouring. Scott and I weren't aloud to go outside and play the whole entire day, or for me to go and see the Hale's. But the saddest thing was that today February 29, is my Birthday, every year I would usually get the same dream before the day started. A gun would be pointed at my head, the sight of blood on the floor made me shiver. I could hear the trigger clicking through the metal, and the hammer hitting the back of the bullet. But then when they pulled the trigger, I would wake up in a horror of screams, waking up everyone in the house.

"Savannah!" My mom comes through my door, and runs to my side. I toss and turn all over the bed, throwing pillows, and blankets on the floor. "Savannah! Your safe." She grabs a hold of my arms and brings me close to her chest, I reluctantly wake up breathing very hard, almost like I was having a heart attack. I cry on her shoulder, letting the tears run down her silk robe. "It's okay, your safe. Your safe with me." She leans her head on mine, brushing hair out of my face.

Scott and my dad stand in the doorway watching us, "I think it's time that we have a little vacation, away from here." I look up at him, knowing what he meant. With the thought of leaving my pack, and my friends behind for a while was like a stab in the heart. "She has friends here Rafael, she can't just leave them behind and start a whole new life." Scott runs to my mom, "If we don't get out of here, she's not going to get any better as she grows up. She will keep having those nightmares until she won't wake up from them." After a very long argument and sobbing, they agree to leave Beacon Hills.

We didn't hesitate to wait to buy a house, Scott only being 5, packed all his toys in a box near my room. Mom and dad waited for the moving trucks to come, "There here kids, let's go." My mom yelled. "We can say goodbye to the Hale's when we pass by." I nod, grabbing my jacket and necklace.

Didn't take long to put everything in the trucks, and drive to the Hale house. "I can come if you want." "No, I'll make it quick, I promise." I got out the car, waiting for one of them to come out and greet me, but no one did. I knock on the front door, looking through the windows, "There down stairs." Peter comes from the back side of the house, "Oh, Um. I just came here to say goodbye, we're leaving, just for a while. Can you tell Laura and Talia that I'm sorry I didn't tell them sooner." He looks at me with his dead blue eyes, softening when I say that I'm leaving. "Yeah, I will." I look back one last time, before walking away quietly. "Savannah, Good luck out there." He give me a sincere smile before going back inside.

A 13 hour drive to the middle of I-don't-know where took more than what I expected. Dad made pit stops at gas stations, and again on the side of the roads for Scott, who couldn't pee at a regular bathroom. We had ate one last time at the old diner, and again at another at the state line. We arrived at Seattle, Washington, just in time for the morning traffic. "Dad where's the house were planning to stay in." He follows the GPS, "It's a couple minutes away from the city, it's big enough for you to run around in, and it's a very safe neighborhood, you'll like the kids there." I slump back on the car seat, looking outside the window.

We drive up to a two-story house, with tan paint, and stonework. A medium size black gate, circles around the house, protecting the greenery. Best part about it, I had easy access to the woods from behind our house. The truck driver brought in the boxes, while we made our way in the house, picking our rooms. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, a music room, and library. The kitchen was a few meters bigger than the one back home, and the living room was about the same size as the kitchen. Scott's room was the first door to your left when you got to the top of the stairs, my parents were right down the hallway from him. But my room was somewhere you wouldn't think a room should be.

There was a door next to the basement, which hadn't been open in years due to the dust coming from the ceiling. Once you open the door, another set of stairs leads you up to another door, leading to my room. The floor was a dark gray color, with a couple of stains of black. Their was only 4 windows, two on the first floor, and another on the top floor. You had to take a small step up to get a hold of the latter that leads to the top of my room. Just about the same size of the bottom floor. "Savannah?" I hurry to get down to the living room, making sure I look the doors behind me. "Yeah dad." He hands me the boxes of trophies, "Make sure you find a place for these." The box didn't weight much, but it had a big change in my mood that same night.

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