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It was 7:38 in the afternoon, training was done for the day and Talia dragged me out in the middle of nowhere with her pack. The air was crisp, and the moon was in the shape of a toenail. We walked to the edge of the clift, looking down at the city. "Why here?" Ennis said, he was known for never really liking heights. "We need the fresh air, this town is becoming a lot more packed with supernatural creatures in the past year." Talia changes her eye color, to look closer. Deucalion stands beside me, while Ennis walks around like always.

"What's going to happens to our packs?" I question Talia, "We don't know yet, we might have to move them for safety. We'll know when the time comes." Deucalion wraps his arm around my shoulder. "But for now, you need to make sure you keep your grades up, and keep an eye on your pack. That's the most any young werewolf can do." I look up at him before, looking out to the city.

"Has Talia ever told you the story about Hybrid and its home?" I shake my head at Deucalion. "In the late 1200's, there was this couple, very much in love with each other. The man, Theo, lived in this very town, while the woman, Olivia, moved in with him. When one night, Olivia was killed by an animal in the woods. No one knew what happened, but they guessed it was Theo, since he always goes out at night. He was hunted down by the townspeople every night, believing he was the one that caused all of the past killings as well." He loses his thought due to the lights of the city, "Why did they hunt him down?" Talia and Ennis sit on some rocks nearby, hearing the story with me.

"Because he was also an animal, a Hybrid. One night the townspeople were out looking for him, and ran into this animal. 6ft tall, black fur, and the reddest of eyes. They just watched as the animal circled around them, smelling their scents. Only one shot was fired, and that was Theo's. The townspeople felt guilty for blaming Olivia's death on Theo, and that night, when he killed the beast. He promised them to protect this city with everything he had left, until his last breath." When Deucalion finishes the story, I look out at the flat land down below me.

"Ever since that night, Theo would come up this cliff, and stand on the edge. When the full moon was out, he howled to it." I stand there, staring at the moon. "Why?"

"Because he believed Olivia was his moon, that she was the light that showed him where the danger was, so he could always keep his home safe. Even when his home was thousand of miles away from him."

After the story, we walked back to Talia's house in time for dinner. "Do you think that story is true? The Hybrid and the moon." I was helping Talia was the dishes, making sure I dried the plates before setting them down. "Of course, if it wasn't for that story, we would have never seen his reincarnation." I stop drying the plates, "Who's that?" She chuckles, "You." She looks at me for a while before continuing with the dishes.

I walk up to the second floor, and grab my stuff. "I heard Deucalion told you the story.." I sighed quietly, "Yeah, he told me." After I grab my bags, Peter follows me to my car.

"What do you want Peter." Just one step away from me, he smirks with a surprised face. "I think I triggered something. I'm just walking a beautiful girl to her car, didn't you hear the woods are dangerous at night." A shadow moves above our heads, I look up to the room in the corner. Derek's room, he stands there looking at us. "I can manage, it's you who shouldn't be walking alone at night." Quickly I get in my car, and drive off.

I came home, and my mom, Emma, and Scott were sitting down in the living room watching a horror movie. I stand in front of the corridor, waiting for Emma to notice me. I give out a soft growl, and flash my eyes. Scott screams, and Emma grabs them both. I couldn't help but bust out laughing. "That wasn't funny Oli!" Scott throws me one of the pillows. My mom touches her chest, "Dear god, I'm gonna have heart problems with both of you." I sit down next to Scott, grabbing him and messing with his hair. "Mama, tell her to stop!" Emma joins after, and we start a whole brawl.

The White Wolf ( Derek Hale Love Story) #7Where stories live. Discover now