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After the little adventure Laura, Andrew, Derek and I had. We all had to return to reality, which meant going back to school, returning to daily practices and going off to tournaments.

It was about 5:30 in the morning, Emma and I had a tournament that we needed to get to. We both quitely and stealthy roamed around the house to get what we needed. I packed my duffle bag, stuffing in shirts, shorts, jeans, shoes, we were planning to stay a few days down in Arizona. I woke up Scott and My mom, to tell them that we were leaving soon. She made us quick breakfast before going back to bed, and Emma and I said our goodbyes to Scott. "I'll see you when I get back, Okay." He nods his head before running back up stairs.

We pack the back of the trunk, get in the car, and drive to school. In time to catch the buses, and hear Coach Finstock brag about why he picked our first tournament so early.

After we sat on the bus, we had to wait for the ones that were coming late. I sit, in the front of the bus, plug in my headphones and go to sleep. "Savannah..Look." Emma nudges me, and points to Andrew who is coming out of his car, and talking to Coach. "McCall!" I immediately get up from my seat, and jog over to Andrew.

"What's up?" I say, watching him rummage through his pockets. "I was going to ask you the day we were in the woods, but Laura was everywhere. I'm planning on proposing to Laura, the day I leave for The Marines." He had a worried look on his face, like he was scared for my answer. "When were you planning on proposing to her? And when were you going to leave?" He looks up at the team, and then at the coach. "In a few days, I asked her father and he said yes. But I also know that you are important to her as well, so would you give me permission?"

I was amazed that he would come early in the morning just to ask me, but I really didn't know what to say. He was planning to leave my best friend after he proposed to her. Leaving her here alone and worried if he'll come back to her. I don't want Laura to feel what I felt, I don't want her to bury someone at the age of 18. She didn't deserve this, but she also didn't deserve to be alone. "Yes." I say, letting out a deep breath. He smiles at me, "Thank You."

"You have to promise me something." I say, "Anything."

"You have to come back to her. You have to come back to her in one piece. I don't want her to bury you at this age, I don't want her to go through what I went through. She doesn't deserve that, but she deserves you." Coach calls me back on the bus, "Alright Coach!" I yell back, "I have to go, but keep me updated." He nods and hugs me goodbye.

I get back in my seat, and wait for the bus to leave the school.

We were planning to drive 16 hrs down to Phoenix, Arizona. In a bus full of girls, I don't know how Coach is going to be able to handle that. We made a few stops along the way, and even managed to eat something as well.

When we finally made it to the tournament, we headed up the hotel and into our rooms. Captain's were called into a meeting, which lasted 2 hrs longer than the usual 15 minute long ones. Soon after that, our teams went into their practicing fields.

The next few days went exactly the same, Meetings, Practice, and Tournaments. We had won all of the games we were scheduled for and even was qualified for Nationals, in a few months.

We came back home that next Saturday night.

Emma, Danielle, and I drove home together. Taking turns driving my car, and dropping off Danielle. "Bye see you Monday.." She whispers, still half asleep.

Finally getting back home, Emma and I crawled our way up the stairs, and into our rooms. My room seemed colder as usual, and my bed seemed to have been slept in. But at that moment I didn't really care, I'm back home. I rolled under the covers, before finding a good resting spot, or until I cracked my back. I opened my eyes slightly to look at the clock, 3:47 in the morning. Didn't take me long to sleep after that.

The White Wolf ( Derek Hale Love Story) #7Where stories live. Discover now