2: before long

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Chapter 2
soon, the sun will shine by your side

* * * * * * *

Rei felt a sense of disappointment as she watched the boy disappear out of her sight. She should have known better; she must have been too late, and he was already poached by someone else.

She could only turn back her gaze towards his uncle, helpless yet has zero intention to give up.

Looking back, she could confirm that Sawamura Eijun was indeed a current third-year middle schooler. He didn't say his age as a reason to decline her offer. Therefore, she concluded that he was already recruited by other scouts, or he has his eyes set on a certain high school. There was no confirmation for either, however. It was all a hypothesis, at this point.

Nevertheless, that meant she still has her chance to persuade him to change his mind. If only she could have a proper talk with him...! Though it was easier said than done.

Sawamura-kun's attitude told her all she had to know by straightforwardly rejecting her, while not giving her the time of day. He left directly without even hearing her prepared speech.

This will be a hard one. She sighed; her confidence earlier was now crumbled to bits. Did she really have the means to convince him...?

The man seemed to be finally out of his stupor. Like her, he merely stared at the back of his leaving nephew. He didn't stop him from running away.

He matched her gaze, and she was stunned at the intensity of it, though his bearing remained easy-going. "Now, you've really done it." He spoke in an exasperated fashion, in the same manner as a man who tirelessly indulged his nephew's antics.

But then, he shook his head with a snort. "Eh, I suppose I should thank you instead? That boy was as stubborn as a mule. If you didn't scare him away, he would be training for the rest of the day." He murmured to himself. Though due to their proximity, it was loud enough to be heard.

What he said made her speechless. What 'scaring his nephew away'? Does she look like a ghost to him? She's not that scary looking, is she? On the contrary, she's the one who was supposed to be scared here alright? She's afraid of the kid's monstrous talent and the fact that he might be a future opponent of theirs if she didn't make her move soon!

"Anyway." He cleared his throat, changing the subject. "I'm Eizen, Ei-chan's uncle—that was Eijun by the way, I don't think he introduced himself to you, did he? Please pardon the brat from his rudeness earlier. It's a pleasure to meet you, Takashima-chan!" He grinned, bright and wide.

"Likewise." Rei reached out a hand to shake hands with him.

They have the same smile. She only noticed it now. Still, the younger has the advantage with his baby face and mesmerizing golden eyes.

"May I ask from what school were you from again? I don't think I've heard it yet." Eizen inquired, throwing curios tawny orbs at her.

Her lips pursed. "I'm a recruiter from Seidou High." She revealed it with pride.

Although their baseball team hasn't participated in the Summer Koshien for the past six years, she was, nonetheless, very proud of her students. Moreover, she passionately believed that they would be stepping foot to that stage once more.

So, as a recruiter, she has her own duty to achieve that dream. That's precisely why she must recruit this kid!

Sawamura Eijun. A southpaw. He was, apparently, an acquaintance (?) of their school's resident genius catcher. From what she had seen so far, individually, there was no need to elaborate further.

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