0: sun-personified

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a beacon of light, he was sun-personified

* * * * * * *

"Game over! Narushima Jr. High wins the match!" The speakers loudly blared even with the enthusiastic cheers from the crowd as everyone began to clap at the well-played game.

A lone woman wearing a semi-formal attire stood out amongst the crowd of casually dressed people. She was humming thoughtfully throughout the whole tournament, peering interestedly at the baseball field below.

She was standing by the stands, intently watching the game proceedings. Her hazel eyes were gleaming with an intelligent light and at the same time, her glasses seemed to flash glaringly. A tight smile made its way to her lipstick-stained mouth.

It was the last game for the day.

Frankly enough, she was already second-guessing her decision of coming here. She felt like it was all a giant waste of her time. There was not a single player who managed to catch her eye. She guessed she could only blame her admittedly high standards when it comes to her recruits.

Her eye began to twitch in mild irritation. 'There was no one here either, huh.' Takashima Rei thought, thoroughly disappointed. And to think that Miyuki-kun, of all people, was the one who recommended her of this prefecture.

'Well,' she subsided. 'it's not like she never planned to go here.' In fact, Nagano was included in her list of places to visit to search for potential recruits. There was a ton of unnoticed talents on the countryside, after all.

She genuinely believed that there would be someone out here—a diamond in the rough, but a diamond nonetheless—that she could possibly haul for the upcoming year. Especially with the foreshadowing the first-year catcher did, she finally allowed herself to hope but alas, that hope was now blown to smithereens.

She pinched the bridge of her nose as a sigh went out of her quirked lips. 'Maybe he's just messing with her?' She hoped not. Although, she wouldn't be least surprised if that was the case. That specific recruit of hers has quite the cheeky personality, it was both endearing and vexing honestly speaking.

Even so, Miyuki-kun went out of his way to make such ridiculous suggestion—in her point of view, it was very uncharacteristic of him to do so. That's why, Rei didn't want to believe that it was all for naught.

She still remembered the exact conversation they had, as well as the spark of intrigue on the younger boy's eyes.

* * * * * * *

"Hm? How nostalgic. I guess it's that time of the year again, huh?" Miyuki drawled playfully after taking off his face mask and helmet. Rei narrowed her eyes at the player's sudden remark as soon as he arrived at the dugout. He was now trying (and failing) to flatten his messy hair, unperturbed of her suspicious gaze.

"You'll be gone all week to find some new recruits, isn't that right Rei-chan?" He cheerfully asked, sitting a few feet away beside her before grabbing a water bottle.

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