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Warning {Abuse} Listed to the video while reading this.

Izuku Midoriya, a boy with many dreams.

Crushed at the age of 4. "I am sorry to say this, but your son is quirkless." He stared at him blankly. Quirkless, quirkless, quirkless... His mind is filled with the word quirkless. His mom grabbed his wrist and pushed him inside the car. He looked outside the window, almost crying. 'Why am I a quirkless... I wanted to be a hero... His mom was pissed at him and yelled.

"Why didn't you get a quirk, you bastard! No wonder Hisashi left us..." He looked down, and after some minutes, the car stopped. He looked outside, and they arrived home. They walked inside, and after Izuku walked in, she locked the door. She started slapping and kicking him. Izuku started crying, not understanding what he did wrong.

After some minutes, she started packing, as Izuku was on the ground. Crying, and in pain. Then he saw his mom, leaving with luggage. "M-Mom... Where are we going?..." She looked at his only son, with a dirty look. "You will stay here, alone. Quirkless shit..." He looked at her, wondering what did he do wrong, to deserve this... Then she left.

'I wonder when mom will come... I will make her a surprise... Yeah! I will do that.' He walked to the kitchen, got a knife, and started cutting some fruits. But since he was so weak, and a kid 4 years old, he didn't cut it perfectly. He got a cut on his eye. He started bleeding, and wanted to cry, but held inside. He cleaned the blood and put on some bandages.

Luckily, he didn't cut it too deep, so his eyesight is still normal. He walked to his room and opened the video with All Might, his idol. All Might start saving everyone with a smile. But something made him cry... "You can be a hero, no matter what."

'Can I be a hero?...' He started questioning himself. Then a video pop up. It was some people doing parkour. He looked at them with amazement. It was so cool jumping around, like a bird flying around.

At the age of 5, he started training his stamina, and strength. He saw a video of how to train, so he wanted to train, and tell his mom... That he can be a hero...

But she never came...

At the age of 7, he was running around, and there were some villains attacking civilians. He got worried and screamed for help to the heroes. The villains looked at the kid and started laughing.

"Hahaha, kid. Do you think that heroes will come to save people here? Not a chance. Now, go to hell!" He pointed a gun at him, and he closed his eyes. 'Please, someone come...'

It was like a wish coming true, a hero came. And who was it? All Might itself. "Don't worry! Why? Because I am here! Ha ha ha!" Then he knocked every villain out. Izuku looked at him with stars in his eyes. All Might look at him and patted him. "Did you yell for help, kid? If so, good work!"

He nodded fast and wanted an autograph. He already signed it. "All Might, I have a question..." He looked at him and nodded. "C-Can I be a hero?...? I am quirkless, and I am training to be strong..." All Might look at him sadly. "Sorry kid, you can't be a hero. A hero work it's dangerous an..." Izuku wasn't listening to him anymore. His dream got crushed completely, and his emotions... Were erased.

All Might left him, and Izuku's eyes were not shining anymore. He walked to his home and got a bag. He put on some clothes and left when he was finished. He looked at his home again and wondered. 'Why did I live here, when Inko would never come home?'

He walked around and saw a girl getting bullied. He walked to them. "Can you stop bullying her?" They looked at him and laughed. "What are you going to do, quirkless trash?" He shrugged. "..." They got pissed since Izuku was staying quiet. "I will kill you..." Then they started attacking him. Izuku was dodging easily, their moves were so slow.

Assassin Izuku (Emotionless Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now