Chapter 2: Angel?

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I'm making up for not updating the other one with putting so many updates on this (mostly becasue I lost my insparation and I thought if I did than I could get more things to do with the other one...)

Fluttershy woke up the next morning and looked up to where her sweet little Angel bunny should have been.

"Angel?" she called, nothing (- her father asking her what's wrong)

"Angel bunny?! Where are you?!" a tear formed under her eye and she ran out of the bed room, out of the cottage. Not watching where she was going, she ran into the Everfree forest, where she thought she saw her bunny's tracks. She looked around when the tracks stopped and turned into, lion, lizard, eagle, cloven hoof tracks? Where am I? Where did Angel bunny go? She kept walking, following the tracks of the four creatures and stood, bewildered, when she saw a HUGE castle. She knocked on the front door of it, and to her surprise, it opened.

"Angel?" she called, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"You for him," a voice called.

"Who are you, show yourself!!!"

"You sound brave, but your face shows other wise." a cage appeared in front of her and Angel was in it.

"You stay here, and you can see your bunny home, you leave, he stays." the voice echoed again.

"Twilight? Is that you? I haven't seen you in years!!!" Fluttershy called hopeful. A purple clock steped in front of her and Fluttershy gasped.

"I'm not Twilight Sparkle anymore," the clock sighed, "I am Cogslight."

"What kind of name is, I mean, it's wonderful!"

"No need to lie, my friend, I know how bad it is."

"Who did this to you?"

"Master D, you will learn if you stay."

"I will stay, release Angel."

"Very well." the cage dissappeared and she saw a vision of the cage being opened in her room.

"Thank you Twil- Cogslight."

"You must meet the master now, I'll go get him." she hopped up the steps and within moments, a long, thin beast appeared in front of her, much like Angel's cage did.

"Who are you?" Fluttershy asked with a slight hint of fear hidden in her voice.

"Most of you ponies would call me The Beast, all of my workers here, they call me Discord. Master D for this here Cogslight."

"What happened to my friend?"

"Friends thank you, I have Rariette, Cogslight, Lumijack, Pip, and Rainbow Potts. I probably shouldn't have told you that but well, I don't care anymore." he flashed out and Fluttershy turned to Cogslight.

"What happened to you, all of you, it's been ten years."

"We came to visit Star Swirled the unicorn that I idolized, only to find out we had been cursed, just as he had been. He was replaced with Discord and now, we are this."

"Where are the others?"

"All around the Chaos Castle, if the curse isn't broken, than we're stuck like this forever."

"What's the-"

"Discord must find true love and RESPECT it, if he can do that, than we have a chance at being ponies again."

"He's so curt though, how is he supposed to find love?"

"Only Cadence knows."

"The princess of love! Maybe we could go talk to her!!!!"

"How am I supposed to get to Canterlot like this?"

"Maybe I could go?"

"She doesn't know you, but if I were to go..."

"How do you know-"

"Brother's wife, my foal sitter..."


"There is no way we can get there and back before the time the rest of the petals fall off."

"How long do you have?"

"A month, starting tomorrow."

"Oh dear."

"I know who his destiny is with, but I can't tell, thus it would ruin the basis of true love."

"I'll see if I can tame him, at least to were he is gentler with his mouth." she and Cogslight smirked and Cogslight showed her to her room.

Beauty and the Beast (Fluttercord version)Where stories live. Discover now