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She clutches her tiny child so peacefully asleep in her arms. So many people would delight in murdering this babe. Pain floods her whole body at the thought.

Why is she being plagued by these...feelings? Is it a spell of some sort? Rage singes her veins. Perhaps poison...? She'll have her food tasters tossed in the dungeon. A crack appears in the wall and the foundation of her stronghold shakes at her wrath...

And then the child opens her eyes, her delicate face crumpling as she begins to mewl in distress. The God-queen cradles her gently, muttering soothing sounds.

Gradually, the rumbling stops and the babe nuzzles her chest, wanting to feed.

As she scoops out her breast from the bodice of her gown, satisfaction fills her on a level so deep, it floors her.

Though the queen has already lived millennia, this is unique... precious.

Trembling, she croons, brushing the babe's velvety cheek as she feeds. She should've banished the child to the care of the priestesses. Why is it that she can't bear to be parted from her, that holding this warm bundle to her body feels utterly necessary? She's a warrior, not a wet nurse!

In her sleep, the babe smiles. Furtively, the God-queen presses a kiss to the little girl's soft forehead and considers her child's future.

The queen's enemies are legion.

They'll hunt this child, her only offspring. They'll hold her hostage and force the God-queen to do their bidding.

That sting again, deep in her gut.

She struggles to control it, because she doesn't want the babe to wake.

"I will give you a gift, my daughter; my Findabair," she whispers into the fragrant skin behind the child's ear.

It will be a great sacrifice. After it's done, the queen will be half of what she was, no longer invulnerable. For the first time in the thousands of years she's lived, she will be...weak. Oddly, this thought does not fill her with the bone deep fear it might once have.

Perhaps she shouldn't have had all those bards whipped for cloying her palate with whiny, sentimental songs. Her brow wrinkles. At last she appreciates the sweet stab of love.

"No one will know." She rocks her daughter gently in her arms, full mouth crooking upwards.

Even with less power, she'll still be the greatest warrior ever to wield a sword.



I hope you enjoyed this first little bit of the book...I hope it make you want to read on. Are you intrigued? Please vote and comment to let me know. :)

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