Chapter 1: "He is going already?"

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I heard the door open and a small smile made its way onto my face

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I heard the door open and a small smile made its way onto my face. I turned and looked at Jayden before the both of us ran to the door as fast as our four-year-old legs could take us.

"Daddy!" I squealed when I spotted my dad at the door. His coat was covered in snow, so was his hair. He shrugged his coat off and kneeled down opening his arms. "Princess!" He exclaimed. I giggled and ran into his arms, wrapping my chubby arms around his neck. He chuckled and hugged me tightly before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Daddy!" Jayden's excited voice exclaimed. "My little Prince." I heard my dad say with a grin. He removed one of his arms from around me and opened it for Jayden. Jayden rushed into his arms too, both of us squished against each other as our dad hugged us tightly. He stood up on his feet, lifting us off the ground. He pressed a kiss to both our foreheads. "I missed all of you so much," he smiled.

Ryan rushed in. "Dad!" His six-year-old self exclaimed. "My little superhero!" Dad grinned. Ryan wrapped his arms around dad's legs hugging him. 

Mom walked in with a bright smile on her face. My dad placed us down on the ground and kissed Ryan's forehead before opening his arms for mom.

"My queen." He said happily when mom wrapped her arms around him. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and pecked her softly on her lips making us kids let out a chorus of 'ew's though we had a smile on our face. Dad chuckled, the love in his eyes for his family shining as he placed a kiss on mom's hair, holding her close.

But then everything turned black. Dad's face lost all of his love, and a cold look replaced it. His face was in a scowl and I barely recognized him. My mom was on the floor sobbing and pulling on my dad's arm. My dad just pushed her away and yelled. A scary glare settled on his face.

He looked at us, his eyes dark, with hatred and then he turned away and walked into the darkness, his figure disappearing.

I feel something nudge my face and a wet lick. My eyes open and I sit up, my comforter slightly falling off me in the process. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. I feel something nudge against me again and I open my eyes and look down at my dog, Ace. "Hey buddy," I whisper as I run my hand through his soft cream colour fur.

He barks softly and leans into my touch. He reaches up and slightly licks my face, wiping all the tears that I didn't know were there in the first place. "Thank you," I murmur softly with a smile.

Ace is a golden retriever, I got him about two years ago; two months after he left. My elder brother, Ryan, got him for me. Ace is like my saviour, whenever I had a nightmare or panic attack he is able to help me while my family can't. He is my best friend and I love him.

His tail wags happily as he climbs onto my lap and slightly lays down there. I laugh lightly and kiss the spot between his ears. I then lie down, making sure Ace is close to me and then I close my eyes, a few minutes later I'm fast asleep.

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