Bonus Chapter: "I love you, Mrs Reed."

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"Austin, say buh bye to Indy

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"Austin, say buh bye to Indy. The next time you'll see her is tomorrow," Zac says. I groan as I cuddle Indy closer to me. Wait a minute. Whatever is in my arms right now feels way too fluffy to be my fiance.

I slightly open one of my eyes and peek down at what is supposed to be Indy but is just a plain white pillow. Ugh. I throw the pillow away, making sure it hits Zac in the face. "Okay, grumpy ass. Get up, we have to get ready and celebrate your last day as a single man," I can picture him wiggling his eyebrows right now.

"Fuck off, I haven't been single in years and I'm happy about it. All I want to celebrate is marrying the love of my life tomorrow," I mumble as I shove my face in my arm, trying to ignore the obnoxious sunlight pouring into my room.

Who the fuck decided to open the curtains?

"Jesus Christ, we get it. You're pussy whipped. Indy is leaving in another 10 minutes, the next time you'll see her is tomorrow so if we want to keep the grumpiness to the minimum I suggest you go and shove your tongue down her throat right now and say bye." He pulls my leg trying to drag me down on the bed and I kick him in the face instead.

"That hurts, ouch. Fuck you," he grumbles. "Where is she going?" I finally turn on my back and open my eyes, squinting at Zac. "Indy, Paris and all the girls are going out and having a spa day or whatever. I would have joined them, but since you have only one best friend I saved you the misery of spending the whole day alone and sulking without Indy," He grins at me sarcastically.

"Wow, I'm so grateful. Thank you the great mighty Zac for deciding to spend the day with a friendless peasant like me," I deadpan. "You're very much welcome."

I roll my eyes. "Inds!" I yell out. Zac shakes his head at me. A second later my favourite face in the entire world peeks through the door. She smiles at me and I grin, only for that grin to disappear when I notice that she is dressed up and indeed ready to leave.

"You're really leaving me all alone with this dumbass?" I point at Zac drily. "Excuse me?" Zac gasps. Over dramatic motherfucker.

She walks into the room and sits on the bed beside me, she starts to run her hands through my hair and I hum in approval. Fuck, I get to marry her tomorrow. The thought alone flows warmth all throughout my body as I smile.

"I'm sorry," she bends down and kisses my forehead. "But it's a wedding tradition to not see each other the night before our wedding," Oh fuck this. A month back when we were doing the last few preparations for the wedding, Isabelle mentioned the tradition. I denied it the minute she brought it up but then Alice and Paris stepped in saying that it was for good luck.

Fuck good luck. I have enough good luck in life to be able to marry someone like Indy.

"I don't give two shits about wedding traditions," I nearly whine. "It's just a day, you'll be alright," she smiles down at me. I frown, "I don't wanna be away from you today. All I want to do is cuddle the shit out of you and kiss you legit anywhere I can. I'm so excited for tomorrow and I want just to be with you today," I nearly groan at myself for being this clingy.

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