6. The Second Prism

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Y/n's P.O.V.

After working hard on the drill, we all needed to take a break. So Steven took us back to his home so he could put together some sort of "meal." I didn't see the point in it since gems don't need to eat. But I promised Steven I would at least give it a try.

Steven: So Y/n, what do you think the other prisms are like?

Y/n: I don't know Steven, it's kind of hard to say since I still have no memories of them.

Then, not a moment later, the door to my room in the temple had opened up. It was weird, we all didn't know why it had suddenly opened. I was curious as to why it did, so I started to approach it before Steven spoke up.

Steven: Y/n, be careful.

Y/n: Don't worry Steven, I will.

So with that, I entered the room before the door closer behind me. And this time, the room was some sort of weird training room. I figured that it must of been to help me with my super speed.

There was a device that Steven told me was called a tread mill and several other things for training. And along with the tread mill was several dummies used for fighting as well.

I was a little confused as to how this came to be. Then all of a sudden my head felt like it was on fire. That's when I had remembered what one of the other two prisms look as like.

It was another male gem who was as tall as Garnet. And from what I could make out, he had short black hair, and looked like what Steven had described as a biker. And then I saw an old gem ship stuck in a pile of ice.

Then in some sort of flash of light, a saw a sign that said "Greenland." It all made no sense as to why this was all happening to me. And then I heard some sort of disembodied voice calling to me.

???: Find me brother, free me from this frozen prison.

After a minute or two, I was able to collect my thoughts. And as soon as I did, I exited the room in a hurry. And as I got back into Steven's house, he and the others were there. And as soon as they saw me, they grew worried from my expression.

Amethyst: Woah, what's up man?

Steven: Y/n, are you alright.

Y/n: I don't know, I think I just had some sort of vision.

Peridot: What?

Garnet: Vision?

Pearl: What sort of vision?

Y/n: I'm honestly not even sure if it was a vision or not. But I think that I'm somehow connected to one of the other prisms.

Steven: Really?

Y/n: Yeah, I saw an old gem ship frozen in some large ice. Then I saw a sign that said "Greenland" before I heard a voice.

Peridot: That's impossible! I may not know much about prisms, but I know they can't hear voices.

Pearl: What did this "voice" say?

Y/n: I think it was another prism, and he said to find him and set him free from his "frozen prison."

Garnet: We need to investigate this matter immediately.

So once Steven got ready we got on the warp pad and all left for Greenland. And I was even surprised that Peridot decided to come along with us willingly. Once the warp died down, we were in Greenland and it was all covered in what Steven called "ice" and "snow."

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