3. Catch and Release

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Steven's P.O.V.

It's been a couple of days since Y/n has first come to live with us. And I've been showing him all sorts of stuff about the Earth like food, TV shows, and music. And it looks like that he's taken a real interest in Earth music. After a long day of helping Y/n, I was getting ready to go to sleep for the night.

Steven: Good night Y/n.

Y/n: Good night Steven.

Y/n has been staying in the bathroom for the last couple days. It's a good thing I'm still able to use it when I get up, or I would probably go crazy. So once Y/n had closed the bathroom door, I made my way up to my bed and said good night to my stuffed animals.

Steven: Good night, Happy Bear. Good night, Sad Cat. Good night, Playful Kitty. Good night, ominous triangle at the foot of my bed.

Then I closed my eyes and got ready to go to sleep. But then I opened them again when I realized what I said about the ominous triangle. But as soon as I did it was gone, I just thought I was imagining things.

Steven: Eh, whatever.

So I closed my eyes again and got ready to go to sleep. But a moment later, I had felt somebody place their arm over my mouth to stop me from screaming. Then I was dragged out of bed and was brought to the warp pad and realized that it was Peridot. Then she activated the warp pad and I had no idea where she was bringing me.

Y/n's P.O.V.

It has been an eventful few days since I was found by the Crystal Gems. At first I was a little concerned about being near any of them. But over the last few days I've been starting to feel like I could trust them.

I was currently in Steven's "bathroom" -as he called it- thinking about the last few days. That's when I heard the warp pad activate for some reason. And I had a really bad feeling about it, so I went to investigate why it went off.

When I had opened up the wooden barrier -which I had found out was a "door"- I didn't see anyone at all. But I had noticed Steven's bed coverings all over the floor. Then I went to check Steven's bed and found out that he wasn't there. This made nd immediately know that something was up and that I had to get the Crystal Gems.

Y/n: Pearl! Amethyst! Garnet!

I started to bang on the temple door in order to ger their attention. A moment later they all came out, slightly annoyed about the ruckus I was making.

Amethyst: Dude what gives? I was trying to sleep.

Pearl: Amethyst, I told you before that we don't need to sleep.

Amethyst: I know, but it feels good.

Y/n: Are you done?

Garnet: What's wrong Y/n?

Y/n: Steven's missing! I heard the warp pad go off a minute ago, and then I saw that Steven was nowhere to be found.

I showed them that Steven was, in fact, missing from his bed. Pearl started to panic a little and Amethyst tried to calm her down. But I noticed that Garnet had a concentrated look on her face before she spoke up.

Garnet: It's Peridot! She's got Steven at the Galaxy Warps, we need to hurry!

With that, all three of them left to go and save Steven. And since I was alone, I put Stevens belongings back on his bed before returning to the bathroom.

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