My last mistake (maybe): choosing the other side

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It's war, how did it come to this. Why did I ever think I would be strong enough to be standing here.

Do I want to make the biggest mistake of my life just so I could be with a guy? Or am I going to make a bigger mistake and become his enemy?

This shouldn't be a choice I have to make at the age of 17.

You made the choice. You choose wrong, you choose to lose me, but I stayed, and I wasn't planning on leaving.

But maybe leaving would be the right choice right now, for both you and me. And this is not just about you and me anymore. There is a war going on and we have to fight. I don't want to be bad, but I also don't want to fight you.

But looking at my friends from the other side hurts. And even more when some of my friends aren't there to look at anymore.

Harry Potter just died. And Voldemort is asking people to join him or die. I don't want to be here and stand next to Draco. I don't want more people I love to die. I don't want to die.

I look at my friends on the other side and I see that Neville is trying to walk forward, he's limping, is he going to join the dark lord too?

Voldemort steps forward and asks Neville's name.

'Neville Longbottom.'

'Well Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks,' Voldemort says.

'I'd like to say something.'

Voldemort looks furious but lets Neville talk.

'It doesn't matter that Harry is gone, people die every day. Friends, family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us, in here. And so is Fred, Remus, Tonks.'

Fred. I promised to visit his shop and I never did. I was afraid, afraid of what he would think of me. I was friends with him and I choose Draco and lost Fred in the process. What if I never said yes to Draco to the yule ball. What if I had the guts to ask Fred myself. Would he be alive? Would I be the one who died?

I guess I'll never know. I got taken away by my thoughts when I heard screams.

Neville was holding a sword, Harry ran. Harry RAN, he did what now? I feel Draco's hand slipping away. What is happening?

He's leaving me.

He looks back at me, his grey eyes were like knifes trying to find its way to heart. But it wasn't there for him anymore. He looked relieved, but not happy.

I'm now standing alone, more death eaters are leaving and I'm still here standing with Voldemort. This isn't what I want. I can't stay with these people, I don't belong with these people.

I'm going to fight, for him, even if he is not with me right now. For George because he needs more help than ever. For me, because I don't deserve this. For Teddy because he deserves a future too.

But now all I can see, all I can think about right now is you not being here with me, not being happy. And I wanna hold him, to make him feel alright. But all I can do is cry.

'I just wanna live again.'

I run. I'm running, running towards my old friends, running away from the dark lord. I'm betraying the dark lord and it might be the last thing I do. But I'd rather die a hero than die alone.

At this moment all my tears have been used up. And I'm trying to fight against it, trying not to go back to you but I know you're hurting right now. And I think it's better for the both of us that we stay away until it's over.

But when will it be over. Will it be in a few seconds? Will it be years?

right before the war at Malfoy Manor

'Draco do you remember our first kiss? It was in our third year remember?'

I was trying to think about anything but what could happen just a few hours after this.

'O yeah right, yeah that was great.' Draco found it harder and harder to show his emotions. I tried to make him remember the good times but even then, life seemed a little too grey right now to smile. I would do anything to make him smile right now.

'I actually have a little secret about that kiss.'

'It was spin the bottle, what do you mean secret?'

'Well I actually thought it was Theo's turn to spin the bottle, so I put a magnet in my glass so that it would turn to me. But apparently, it was your turn. I had a fight with Pansy because of that you know.'

'Of course you did,' he smiled a bit.

'Well even though I didn't like you at that time that was the first time that I thought of you in a romantic way.'

'I made quite an impression on you didn't I?'

He was smiling again and not only with his teeth, but he also smiled with his eyes. I was drowning again.

Maybe this was the last time that we could. Just looking at each other, really seeing each other. Embracing one another without even touching.


'Yes Draco?'

'I love you.' He cups my face with one of his hands and the other he put on my thigh.

He moved his hand up my thigh and pulls my face closer to his. He kissed me, but not aggressively like normal. It was soft like his lips brushed mine, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough so that I could inhale his breath and feel the warmth of his skin.

'I love you too Draco.'

Back to the war

I'm doing it. I turn around to make probably the biggest mistake of my life. Even if it is the last thing I would do. Because Draco, you said it yourself.

I have to this.

This is the ending of the story. And I'm sorry but I love writing an open ending.
In this story you may have found text based on the song another love.

Thank you for reading and I see you in the next story. :)

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