My first mistake: The Yule Ball

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I made 3 big mistakes in my life, they all had something to do with him.

If I had just said no all those times. I wouldn't be here. About to do this stupid thing.

My first mistake was in my fourth year, I was already friends with him, but when he asked me to the yule ball, my vision of him changed. He went from a bully to a guy I wanna spend my life with.

I began thinking about him differently and I fell in love, with Draco Malfoy. My first mistake.

I never had a boyfriend before and then my first being Draco Malfoy scared me.

What do you do with a boyfriend, is it really just holding hands, doing stuff together, and kissing, or was there more to it. And oh yes being in love with Draco was way more.

Being in love with Draco means finding a home in a city you never wanted to move to, it means listening to a different genre of music you normally don't listen to and like it. You never expect it to happen, but it did and it was amazing.

I got caught up with being so utterly in love with him that I did not see the dangers in it. Draco's dad is a death eater I knew that, Harry Potter told me that himself. Draco is a bully, I knew because I sometimes stood by his side and did nothing, because how do you stop a guy like him when everything he does just amazes you?

I know that sounds bad, but I can not help it.

Me saying yes to Draco asking me to the Yule ball was my first mistake.

Flashback to the yule ball

For the yule ball, I had this amazing dress, when I bought it I was actually second-guessing it because I thought it was too beautiful for me but my friends told me that the dress was perfect for me and that Draco would love it too.

The dress was a perfect representation of what a Slytherin would wear if you like dresses at least. It was this big ball gown off-the-shoulder dark cyan - lime green dress. I felt like I was in a fairy tale. 

And there I saw him, my prince. He was waiting for me in the common room at the fireplace. The way the flames shone on his skin, the way his hair sat perfectly on his head. He looked perfect, and that was when I knew, it would be impossible to stay away from him.

I walked up to him rather nervously, I felt like I could faint at any second.

'Hello Draco.'

'Hello, beautiful.' He reached out to grab my hand, but I took my hand away because I had quite sweaty hands.

'What's wrong, don't you want to hold my hand?'

'I do but-'

'But what?' He looked down at my hands. 'What, are you nervous?'

I looked down, trying to avoid his beautiful grey eyes. 'Very nervous.'

'No need to worry darling.' He grabbed my hand. 'I actually think it's quite adorable.'

We went to the Yule Ball and the whole night he treated me like a princess and it was amazing. After a few hours, more people kept leaving just some people were left. I saw Fred dancing with Angelina, Ginny and Neville were still here, Hagrid and that tall woman I keep forgetting her name, and there were some other people but that didn't matter. I was still there with Draco, dancing. Who knew, not me, I'm quite a terrible dancer actually but with Draco dancing seemed easier. That and the fact he was a great leader.

After a long night of dancing and stealing some kisses from Draco now and then I started to get tired of dancing and Draco noticed.

'You tired love?'

'Just a little, do you might if we go back?'

'Of course not love.'

Ugh love, him saying that makes me weak.

We got back to the Slytherin common room and we saw some of our friends. I did not have the energy to socialize so I suggested we would go to his dorm. My dormmates were already back in our dorm and I didn't want to wake them so his dorm would do.

We got into his dorm and I felt the nerves getting back again. Why was I feeling so nervous? Did I think anything would happen? Would anything happen?

I guess to answer your question, I'll simply say yes.

'y/n, this whole night I've treaded you like a princess, is that still what you want? Or do you want something else?'

'How about you treat me like a queen. Make me your queen Draco.'

'Your wish is my command, my lady.'

Sorry for robbing you but this story is not smut and I wouldn't know how to even write that. This is also the first time I've ever written fanfiction so tell me if you like it.

There will be two more parts after this. Remember these stories are short stories. I thought that would be nice with all these long stories you have to read.

And lastly English is not my first language so if I made any spelling mistakes or the story reads weird. Please comment on it so that I could change it.

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