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The wind turned cold as the sun set over the hills of the Redstone valley. I was on my way to meet up with the lovely ms. Marian, pushing fifty on the speed-O-meter.

Don’t look at me like that!
Im not some horn ball, okay? She was drinking alone, now i don’t know about you but my mother taught me to never let a girl drink alone.

Its a real rule! Look it  up!

Despite the race against time, the evidence duke found at the ghost farm kept his head spinning even faster than the thought of ms. Marian wasted out of her mind in her tight dress.

Enough of that please!

But yeah, the evidence did get me thinking. Why was that joker hiding out in the ghost farm? Was it because it was remote?

‘cause it was a nearby place to set up camp while he hunted down poor Larry?

…Or maybe he actually does have ties to derrick and the old lady from the Wuhan eight.


Duke arrived at the Catrina just as Stuart was heading out. Duke didn’t notice though, instead he got out and began inspecting his face, hair and teeth in the driver seat window.

Stuart was lighting a cigarette when he spotted the detective


“huh?,’ duke asked startled, ‘oh hey! Stu!”

Stuart saw it on his face; the look every man gets one his first date.

Stuart laughed and pulled back a few inches off his cigarette revealing glowing ash.

Blowing a cloud of hot nicotine, he said, “i don’t need to know, alright?”

‘she’s inside, just..’

‘..Remind her to lock up when you two are done.’

“hey stu come on man-”

Stuart laughed and patted his friend’s chest as he unlocked his car.

As Stuart pulled out of the parking lot in front of the Catrina, duke yelled, “it’s not like that!”

“sure and im the new mayor of bakers field!” Stuart called back.

‘im really just having a drink with a friend!’

But Stuart was long gone.

“she’s just a friend, that’s all. Yeah” He whispered.

Keep saying that pal, maybe someday it’ll be true.


Duke and Marian shook the walls of the empty night club with laughter and jubilee. Echoing their joyful, drunk voices within the confinement of Stuart’s office.

“we really shouldn’t be in here Marie,” Duke drunkenly said as he closed the door behind him.

“why are you afraid we’ll get caught?” She said in that same sexy voice from earlier.

Duke slowly turned around and saw Marian gently peeling off her dress revealing a blood-red bra. She continued to undress fixing her eyes on the drunk detective- meeting every dark desire he had in his intoxicated mind. She called out to him mentally like a snake charmer.

Marian led him down from the cleavage of her chest to curves of her waist, through the arc above her v-line and further to the seam of her black underwear.

“sweet Christmas!” The detective exclaimed.

His eyes- hooked on her body- and her eyes- capturing his imagination with each glimpse.

“what’s the matter Mr. Van Dukhevic?” She begun

‘is the big bad detective afraid of wittle ol’ me?’ she asked in a playful impression of a horny five year old.

“i mean,’ he said as he approached her like a moth to the flame, ‘who in their right mind could ever be afraid of an angel like you?”

They shared a deep hearted laughter and the room went silent.

Duke was now staring directly into her eyes, feeling nothing but warm compassion. She starred back int0 his eyes and they both spoke beneath their breath- embracing the silence around them, creating a tension of hot raw passion.

“hey-ah, listen, maybe we shouldn’t” He said focusing on her soft pink lips.

“sshh!” She said as she leaned in for the final blow.

They’re lips intertwined and for a brief moment they connected, feeling each other in fullness and depth.

Her tongue was slow and precise in its navigation, duke simply held her close like a precision treasure.

He could feel her heart beat through his black pole-neck, and he enjoyed every beat. The flavours of love brewed between th-

Okay time for me to cut in before that one pervert whips out his sha-dinga,
Yeah hi! Me again, i told you this wasn’t a damn love story right? I still mean it.

Don’t get me wrong i was more than ready to get down and dirty,  but reality is often disappointing.

Bbzzzz! Bzzz! Came the sound of duke’s phone from his trench coat pocket.

He sighed both in frustration and relief, reluctantly letting her go and picking the call.

“give me a sec’” He told her.

She nodded honestly disappointed, Marian knew when his phone rang it was never some telephone sales man asking if he wanted a three in one shampoo or face cream.

“your timing is god-given, Gomez, I’ll tell you that much.”

“sorry to disturb but i figured you’d like to know we have another murder at 2nd off Broadway, house 212.”

He sighed again rubbing his temples, asking himself if he really needed to be there.

Duke caught a quick look at Marian, cross-armed waiting for him to say he had to go.

“duke?” Gomez called from over the phone.

“I’ll be there.” And he hang up before Gomez could say anything else.

He turned back to the enraged Marian, carefully structuring an excuse.

“hey so-”

“save it.” She said no longer wanting to look him in the eyes.

‘just go’ she added as a tear roll down the side of her face.

Duke, seeing as nothing he could say would ease the situation, kissed her cheek on the same salty tear line and left.

On his way out, he heard her ask, “do i also have to be a rotting corpse to get your attention, duke?”

He stopped, without turning his back he added, “stu says don’t forget to lock up.”
Yeah….that’s more like it.

A classic tail of love and loss.

Hold on, what are you sad about? Im the one whose looking like a heartless dick.

Anyway all I can say is:

In this life folks you only have enough excess blood for two things- your heart or your dick…

Duke got into his car and saw Marian locking up the Catrina, still wiping drying tears off her face. They locked eyes for a second, then she walked away.

… Never both.

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