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The elevator gets to my apartment floor and I step out. As I walk towards my apartment door, I search through my bag for my keys. I find them just as I reach my door and then unlock it and walk inside, closing the door behind me.

I place my bag and keys on the kitchen counter.  I take out my phone and look at the time. It's already 10 pm. Steve is on his way over. I called him when I left my mom's place.

I know that I just saw him earlier but I really like hanging out with him and doesn't matter that's it's late cause he'll just sleep on the couch.

I walk over to cabinet and take out a glass and the I fill it with water. A moment later, there's a knock on the door.

"Come in." I yell loud enough for Steve to hear me.

The door opens and the close again. "Should I just lock the door or do you think we will be going somewhere later?" He asks

"You can just lock it. I don't plan on going anywhere tonight," I give him a smile and he nods and lock the door. "I'm just gonna go into my room and change into something comfortable." I tell him and leave the kitchen.

I walk into my room and unzip my dress as I walk towards my closet. Out of my closet, I take a pair of grey shorts in cotton and a white oversized t-shirt. I let my dress fall to the floor and pull the t-shirt over my head. Before I have it completely on, I take off my brah. I don't really feel like wearing it anymore today. I then pull the shirt completely on and slip into the shorts.

The close I just wore is now on the floor, so I quickly grab it and throw it into the laundry basket.

And then I leave my room again and walk into my living room where I find Steve sitting on the couch with the tv remote in his hand, switching through the channels. When he notices me standing in the in the doorway to the living room, he looks up at me with a smile.

"That was quick. I'm impressed. From what I'm told, girls are supposed to take for ever changing." He says.

"Well yeah, if I need to dress up and look good it's take longer. But I only needed to change into this so I didn't need to put on any makeup or do my hair," I inform him. "Though I do need to remember to remove the makeup I have on before I go to bed." I say more to myself as a mental note.

"I think you look beautiful like this." He says and seems a bit unaware of what he just said because a second later I see his eyes widen a bit and he looks back at the tv. I just look down at my feet and feel myself blush a bit.

"Thanks." I say.

I walk slowly to the couch and sit down.

A moment pass and there hasn't been said anything. I can feel that what he said made him a bit uncomfortable and now neither of us know what to say.

Another moment pass.

He then clears his through and looks at me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it awkward. I just wanted you to know that you look nice." He gives a weak smile.

I chuckle a bit. "It's okay. We should be able to compliment each other without things getting awkward. I mean, just because we think each other looks nice doesn't mean that we have feeling for each other, right?" I say. But I can feel that for me, this is not the whole truth.

"Of course." He smiles. "Now what do you want to watch?"

"Let's watch Brooklyn nine nine. It's on Netflix."

He goes into Netflix on the tv and puts on the show. I really like this show. I have watched a bit before and it's fun.

As we watch, I can't stop my head from thinking about what I just said to Steve. Because the thing out feeling wasn't actually completely true on my part. I know we just started hanging out a couple of days ago but I don't think I've felt like this about someone before. The way I feel when I'm around him and how he makes me laugh and all in all just overly happy. It's something I haven't tried before. But I can't say anything because my dad would freak.

Drunken mistake? // Captain AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now