A new suspect

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The investigation had teetered to almost a full halt. The only suspects they had good hope of following through on had been cleared. With Misa and Light being innocent the task force had lost any semblance of hope they had had. Despite this, some task members, Matsuda to be more precise, tried alleviating the situation with humour.  "Aww, so I guess that we're back to square one again huh?" the young detective groaned. The situation was dire and the methods used by L were questionable at best.  Everyone could feel the tension in the room.  

As expected, the strange man seemed undisturbed by the proceedings. He simply shrugged off Matsuda's comments and dismissed them.  "Not necessarily" he sighed and leaned back as he awaited the onslaught of confusion. 

"Wait you had another suspect!?!" Light exclaimed in anger, almost valid anger all things considered. Almost, not quite. 

"Not exactly...... in the beginning, yes. I had believed this young woman had a hand in the events that unfolded but I wrote that theory off very soon after conceiving of it.  After all, if she were Kira I'd be dead by now. However, the more I think about it now, she might be able to help us.". This seemingly simple explanation had stirred many questions from the task force, least of which was the fact that apparently whoever this person was, they were intimate enough with L to know his real name. Unfortunately, the crowd got too distracted by the column of rage to ask any further questions.  

"WHY HAVENT WE CONTACTED THEM? YOU'RE THE ONE WHOS ALL ABOUT CONSIDERING EVERY OPTION!" Light yelled. (Man he's pissed at being considered Kira isn't he? (Btw I'm laughing my ass off at my own joke..... I need friends*cue single tear*)) 

"To be completely honest, I find them...unstable at best, sadistic and dangerous at worst.  Also, I wasn't going to bring in someone who could potentially harm the investigation but perhaps we need to take that level of risk at the moment. However, if we are to investigate this person I need to call in a few people. I will have rules for this specific group of people however, they will not be encountering anyone on this task force except for three people. This is to ensure their safety in the event of a disastrous ending to this investigation.". The decision seemed to be agreed upon unanimously by the group. The general consensus was that anything was ok as long as it would help catch the mass murderer. (you can't fault me for this they literally let Yagami essentially sacrifice himself to see if his own son was Kira, they have questionable morals at best in this investigation and this isn't even that extreme. )

Suddenly a video appeared upon the screen. It was a large A in the familiar font to the seasoned detectives. A very similar robotic voice began speaking from the huge speakers in the room. "That seems almost too easy, I was expecting much more resistance from a group of weathered jaded detectives or are all you just resigned to serve to L's beck and call?". There was a slight mumbling outside the range of the microphone. After what seemed to be a heated discussion the voice introduced themselves. "So hey, we can't tell you our names because of it being a breach of the agreements we've made or something. We are allowed to tell you there's currently three of us and we're basically wired tapped into everything. Anything you know, we know". A soft chuckle emerged before the voice continued. "And I do mean anything. Just don't try anything stupid or we will be forced to take action. We have a set of failsafes just like you guys do. And honestly? I don't feel like going through that much work.". The task force didn't exactly know how to respond to this. This team didn't seem eager to offer any information or theories related to the investigation. 

L was actually the first person to speak in response to these new additions, "I refuse to comment on the lackadaisical attitude you hold towards this investigation. Watari, activate the cameras."

(Oh my gosh I really hope you like it! Two votes I'll update)

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