Chapter 12: The Safe Haven

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

Gasping, I sat straight up on the little make shift bed I laid on. Cool wind was breathing down my neck while I slowly moved my legs over the edge of the bed, grunting in pain. I lifted my shirt, then realizing I was in completely different clothes as I saw the gunshot wound was patched up.

I leaned my elbows on my knees as many thoughts played through my head. Glancing to my left, I saw a curtain being blown by the wind slightly, the sun shining through. I shakily got to my feet before walking out, revealing a beach right in front of me.

Seagulls flew in the air, making noise while a large ship sat out in the water. Hearing many voices and laughter to the right of me, I snapped my head to there, seeing many people walking around, tents were hung up all around.

This was it.

The Safe Haven.

I walked forwards, looking around at all the unfamiliar people. I walked past some people building, which reminded me of Gally back in the Glade. I looked forwards again, only to see Minho standing there, Brenda, Thomas, Frypan, Jorge, and Aris standing behind him.

No Gally in sight.

Sharing a look with Minho, we both walked forward, pulling each other in a hug that we desperately needed. We pulled away before I hugged everyone else, my brother being the last one. 

Once Thomas and I broke our hug, I saw him look over my shoulder, making me follow his gaze, seeing Gally standing there, staring at me with wide eyes. I slowly walked towards him, before he suddenly ran at me, scooping me up in his arms, spinning me around. I ignored the pain and giggled at his behavior slightly.

When my feet were back on the ground, I looked up into Gally's eyes, him doing the same. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before we both slowly brushed our lips together. Eagerly, he pressed his lips to mine, both our lips moving in sync. One hand cupped my cheek as his other was wrapped around my waist. Both my hands cupped his cheeks, caressing them.

Pulling away, we stared into each others eyes, not caring about anything else in the world.


In the evening, we all sat together as Vince stood in front of everyone, preparing for his speech. I sat in-between Gally and Thomas, Minho right behind me, his hand on my shoulder.

"We have come a long way. So many have sacrificed so much to make this place possible. Your friends and your family." At that, I looked at my brother, giving him a small smile, receiving one back as he held my hand tightly. "So here's to the ones who couldn't be here." Vince lifted up his cup, everyone else following. "Here's to the friends we lost. This place is for you. It's for all of us. But this," he pointed to a rock behind him, "this is for them. So, in your own time, in your own way, come make your peace. And welcome to the Safe Haven." Everyone started cheering loudly, holding up their cups.

Brenda nudged me from behind, and I looked at her, seeing she was giving me a small smile, which I gave one back as I clapped my hands. Gally's arm was wrapped around my shoulders as he kissed my temple. Thomas rubbed his thumb over my knuckles, and Minho squeezed my shoulder.


It was darker out now. Gally stood with Thomas and some people around the bonfire that was being made by Vince. Minho stood beside me, looking around at our new home.

"This is gonna be a good home for us." He spoke up.

I glanced at him as he did the same, nodding my head. "Yeah."

"You had this on you while you were passed out." Minho held up a familiar necklace. Newt's necklace. I softly took it from him, examining it. "Figured I'd keep it safe for ya."

"Thanks, Minho." I said, not taking my eyes off the necklace.

He rubbed my back soothingly. "See you out there."

"See ya." I muttered, glancing at his retreating figure.

I looked back at the necklace, wrapping the rope around my fingers. As I examined it, I noticed something off. The metal piece of the necklace, I popped off, what looked to be a lid, revealing a rolled up piece of paper inside. 

I took it out and unrolled it, seeing it was a letter from Newt. Tearing my eyes away from it, I took a deep breath before reading.

'Dear Y/n...
This is the first letter I can remember writing. Obviously, I don't know if I wrote any before the maze. But even if it's not my first, it's likely to be my last. I want you to know that I'm not scared. Well, not of dying, anyway. It's more forgetting. It's losing myself to this virus. That's what scares me. So every night I've been saying their names out loud. Alby... Winston, Chuck. And I repeat them over and over, like a prayer, and it all come flooding back. Just the little things, like the way the sun used to hit the Glade at that perfect moment right before it slipped beneath the walls. I remember when Gally started to act differently to you than he did to the other boys in the Glade. He was like a lost puppy whenever you were around. Hopelessly devoted to you. I remember when you and Gally would get into arguments, you'd always come to me and Minho when you needed someone to talk to. You would always curl up into us, sometimes crying into our shoulders, which made my heart always break. I know it did the same to Minho's. And I remember yours and Thomas' faces when you found out you were siblings. You guys couldn't stop smiling for so long. And I remember the taste of Frypan's stew. I never thought I'd miss that stuff so much. And I remember you. I remember the first time you came up in the Box. Just a scared little Greenie who couldn't even remember her own name. You were the first girl. I'll always remember that. But from that moment when you walked into the maze with Thomas and Minho, acting like everything was fine, I knew I would follow you anywhere. And I have. We all have. If I could do it all over again, I would and I wouldn't change a thing. And my hope for you is that when you're looking back years from now, you'll be able to say the same. The future's in your hands now, Y/n. And I know you'll find a way to do what's right. You always have. Take care of everyone for me. Take care of Gally. And take care of yourself. You deserve to be happy. Thank you for being my best friend and sister. Goodbye, love. 

As I finished reading the letter, many tears had already fell onto my cheeks. A sob left my mouth while I put the letter away gently, before slowly and shakily putting Newt's necklace around my neck.

I stood up and walked to the bonfire, hugging all my friends before sitting down in-between Thomas and Gally. Gally instantly wrapped his arm around my shoulders, kissing my cheek as he laughed with all our friends. Thomas grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers together.


In the morning, I got out of the make shift bed Gally and I shared and walked to the rock full of names. Everyone else was still asleep, except for some people, like Vince. 

I stared at the rock, seeing all the familiar names on it. Alby, Chuck, Winston, Ben, Jeff, Zart, Clint, Newt. Seeing a spot right above Newt's name, I carved Teresa's name onto it, rubbing my fingers over it slightly before walking away.

I walked along the beach, my feet touching the sand underneath me as I looked out in the distance, watching the waves roll by. 

Putting my hand in my pocket, I felt something in there, so I pulled it out, revealing the vial of my blood Teresa gave me back on the roof. As I thought of my last moments and all the good memories from before I had with her, I felt tears come to my eyes just thinking of her.

Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind. I already knew who it was. He leant his chin on my shoulder, looking out in the distance with me. I glanced at him and gave him a peck on the cheek, making him smile brightly as he pecked my lips. We both looked back out at the waves, enjoying the presence of each other, being in each others arms.

I was home.

With Gally.

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