9: Both

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You were not in shape and not prepared for the hundreds of stairs before you. You practically dragged yourself up there. The three of you were panting when you reached the top but posed when Tzekel-kan and Tannabok turned around.

They opened some curtains to allow you in. You looked around, it was comfy and grand.

"To commemorate your arrival," said Tzekel-kan. "I propose a reverend ceremony at dawn." You didn't know what that was.

"Ah," Tannabok stuck his head out. "Then perhaps I could prepare a glorious feast for you tonight.

"Which would you prefer?" asked Tzekel-kan. They both bowed.

"Both?" asked Tulio

"Both." confirmed Miguel.

"Both," you all said.

"Both is good," you concluded, with a smile.

They nodded and walked away, closing the curtains. You waited a bit. You looked around, smiling giddily with the boys.

"Hey," you said

"Hey, hey," answered Tulio. You started laughing and hugging each other and Altivo joined in.

"They actually think we're gods!" said Miguel

"It's an entire city of suckers," said Tulio. You laughed again and then noticed something in the shadows. "We just have to keep this up long enough to load up the gold and then get the hell out of here."

"Uh, guys." They ignored you.

"Miguel and Tulio." said Miguel

"Tulio and Miguel." said Tulio.

"With Y/N, we are mighty and powerful gods."

"Hello." They shrieked as they noticed the woman from before. You looked at her nervously. She giggled.

"Depart, mortal," said Tulio. "Before we strike you with a lightning bolt." Miguel made the sound effects. She started humming.

"Beware the wrath of the gods," added Miguel. "Begone." he made a clicking sound.

"Save it for the high priest, honey. You're gonna need it," she replied. Miguel made the clicking sound again.

"Miguel," you said. "It's not working." he made the sound again. "Miguel, we've been caught." he faltered.

"Oh no," said the woman. "Don't worry about me darling." She mockingly added, "My only wish is to serve the gods. Remember?"

You watched her curiously. "How?" asked Tulio.

"Well, if you want the gold and you don't want to get caught, right? You're going to need my help," she answered.

"What makes you think we need your help?" asked Miguel. You looked at him.

She mockingly did Miguel's clicking sound, "Are you serious?"

"Okay," you said. "What's your name?"

"Wait," said Tulio. "Before that, what's your angle?"

"No angle," she replied. "I want in."


"On the scam."

Tulio laughed nervously. "There's no scam. Why would you think there's a -"

"Why do you want in?" you interrupted.

"So I can get out," she said like it was obvious.

"I thought she just said she wanted in," said Miguel, confused.

You broke it down for him, "She wants into the scam so she can get out of this place."

"Aha, I get it," he paused. "Why?

"You think you're the only ones who dream of better things?" she said. She leaned on a wall. "Of adventure? You've got your reasons," she looked down, "I've got mine." she approached you. "Let's not make it personal, okay? Just business."

"Oh." She placed her arms around Miguel and Tulio.

"So when you guys are ready to go back from... wherever you came from, I'm going with you," she said. Miguel nodded.

Tulio laughed. "No, I don't think so." Miguel coughed and started whistling.

"Alright, fine," she said. She pushed them away and addressed you. "After all I'm sure you know all the proper rituals for blessing a tribute, the holiest days on the calendar, oh! And I'm sure you know all about Xibalba." she giggled. "Good luck." she touched Tulio's cheek, took his dice, and he thought about it. "See you at the execution."

"Wait." you caught her arm. She chuckled.

"Deal?" she asked, sticking out her hand. Miguel went to shake it but Tulio held him back.

"Not yet," said Tulio. "Let's just see how this works out."

"Uh-huh. And I suppose you'll want these back?" she showed him the dice. You smiled.

Tulio patted his vest, "How'd you get those?"

"Where was she keeping them?" asked Miguel. You looked down and shrugged.

"Call me Chel," she said. "Your new partner."

"Uh that's partner in training," corrected Tulio. You rolled your eyes.

Chel threw some clothes at the three of you. "Now put these on, the public's waiting."

You started changing. "Do you mind?" asked Tulio. You stopped to see Chel staring at the three of you.

"No." she said. You and Tulio stared at her shamelessness. "Oh, oh, yeah, sorry, excuse me." she walked out and took one last peak. You had been naked in front of both Tulio and Miguel but you didn't know Chel enough to be that comfortable. 

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