16: Forget Miguel

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The next few days blurred. 

The boat was being made so thats what you were all waiting for. Passing the time is difficult, though, when you can't focus on anything. 

Miguel got his 'portrait' made into stone. He was hanging upside down like a monkey and loved the results. 

Tulio had been spending a lot more time with Chel, as had you, and he seemed to really like her. As did you. 

Altivo was treated as royalty. He wore horseshoes made of gold and walked around with flowers in his hair. Content as can be. 

And you. You.. you what? loved this place? loved it more than you could admit? But it wasn't enough to stay. You ached to see the boat finished, to leave. Because in the end what you were really doing was escaping. You couldn't stay. No matter how much you wanted to. Why? Oh, because you would grow old and die. They would tell, sooner or later, that you were not the goddess they though you were. Escaping from the most beautiful prison. 

Now you worried for Miguel, you knew, of course you knew, that he would stay if given the chance. You wanted to talk to Tulio so that you could both knock some sense into him. Unfortunately, he had gold and Chel on his mind all the time. 

You had left him bartering how the gold would be split when Miguel walked up the stairs. His look was... indecisive. Your worry creeped into your expression and you said, "What's wrong?"

He looked down. "I-I think the, the three of us need to have a, a little chat."

You nodded and began walking back in. You nearly walked in on a flustered Tulio and put your finger to Miguels lips. Eavesdropping is a bit of a... habit. 

Tulio was facing the back of Chel as she held golden plate to her chest. 

"All right," said Tulio. "Cards on the table. Uh, I want you to come to Spain with the three of us. Mostly me. Especially me. Only me. Forget Miguel. Maybe Y/N."

Chel faced Tulio and chuckled lightly. "Well, as long as that's what you want. Me too."



They started making out, completely unaware of your presence there. Then Altivo walked in and gasped.

"Forget Miguel," said Miguel, offended. You put your hand on his shoulder. He went to push you away but you insisted and he hugged you. It's not everyday that your best friend turns on you. He sniffled. "Well, then, forget Tulio."

"No, Miguel," you began but he was already walking away, unwilling to hear what you had to say. 

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