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A few days after the Planet of Mistral has been freed, I have been making sure that there were no rebels. So far, so good, I always need to make sure that everyone is safe in the world of Mistral, I can't risk of losing everyone. That might send me into a extreme amounts of depression and will make me think intrusive thoughts that Remus can never think about. It's gotten to the point where I need everyone to be on the same level with or I am going to lose it completely. Also, they need to know on why I haven't opened up truly yet, it's because everyone has been very pushy lately and it's not looking good on anyone. Torchwick and Neo, they are making sure I have my alone time, Ulquiorra has been noticing that a lot and is now making sure that I'm doing alright.

It's nice to finally have some people making sure that you are doing alright, I really needed that, I'm guessing Ukitake must've told him on what he needs to do on not making the same mistake that everyone has been making. I rarely see Ichigo nowadays, I guess it's time for me to go and visit. So, I grabbed some stuff and packed up, I'm actually going to visit, I think I need a break from this bland view. I really need to do some work on this whole world of mine, I got my common clothes packed up, decided it was time to let my hair down, I think I'm loving my hair down for a change. Then I decided to put some makeup on, my usual spooky look, Blackberry, aka Mugetsu, decided to walk in, "Where are you going?" "Wouldn't you like to know," I sassed, "I need a break from the bland view of this world." "Well not much you can do but accept the view," said Blackberry, "It's not like you can actually drastically change everything here." "You do realize on who you are speaking to, Mugetsu," I said, dropping the name I got him to get use to hearing. He knew that if I call him by one of his given names, he knew that he is f*cked on what he did or say to provoke a certain side of me.

I got my stuff ready, Neo asked, "Are you going to see Strawberry, my Queen?" "Neo, what did I say about calling me that?" I asked her, "Just because I am queen, it doesn't change on who I really am." "Even though, there are people who are refusing to let you be open and honest," said Neo, "Forget about what Blackberry said." "I was going to forget about it anyways," I told her, "Just know that it might be weird for those two idiots hearing their nicknames coming from someone else." "Yeah, you are growing on me," she said, "It is really all thanks to you when you cured my mute self when I met you, I was actually starting to hear my own thoughts going through my head." "Oh wow," I said, not expecting that at all.

When I got into town, everyone was looking at me all weird, it's been a while since I visited Karakura Town. I just ignored them and made my way to Ichigo's home. When I eventually got there, I felt a sense of homesickness, I softly knocked on the door, and heard a familiar voice calling out, "I'll get it." The door opened, I was seeing Renji standing there, "Yes? Hmm? Oh, Akari, what brings you here?" "I'm here to visit Ichigo and Orihime," I said to him, "What are you doing here?" "Um, visiting as well, but c'mon in," he said, escorting me inside. I felt like he's treating me like an object judging by the way he greeted me and allowed me inside of where I used to live in.

I looked at where everyone was, I guess I was right, I came here at the wrong time, I helped myself to the old room, which had a sign that says Reserved. I looked inside, there was the old set up that I grew fond of. Yeah, I decided to help myself. I sat on the bed, just getting adjusted alone on what I had just escape from. I can't believe someone would go out of their way to do this, then I heard Orihime ask, "How are we doing in here?" "Sorry that I didn't make myself known," I tell her. She giggles, "I actually saw you before anyone else did. You can thank Ichigo for doing this, he somehow knew that you were going to visit us at some point just to get away from your own world issues." "Thank you, Orihime," I said, "Would you mind giving me a moment to relax?" "Sure, I'll close the curtains, lock this closet, and you can lock the windows and the door on my way out of this room," she said.

Wow she really knows me from the inside out, she gave me a reassured look that everything will be alright. She always makes sure that I'm doing alright, she is the perfect example of what I need from everybody, minus Ukitake, Kyoraku, Torchwick, Neo, Zacky V, Thomas and his sides, Jimmy, Ulquiorra, and Lady Halibel. She leaves me alone, I locked the windows and the door. I started scanning the room for anything bad, I started with the bed, I saw 4 legs poking out, "I see you." Out it came, hissing, I casted a fire ball and scorched it to death, thankfully there was a spilt second where I used my water powers before the smoke detector sensed that there had been a fire. I made sure the body was sucked up by my sword, I made the floor back to the way it was.

But it detected the smoke and it made its very loud sound, I heard the doorknob rattling, "Open up!" "Geez, alright," I said, thinking that the spider did not think that plan through. I unlocked the door, "Its unlocked." Came in Ichigo with the freaking fire extinguisher, "Where's the fire?" "I put it out with my water powers, it only detected the smoke," I said, "and why did you think it was smart to put a smoke detector in here? You know that it gives me trauma." "Yes I remember, it was a simple mistake," said Ichigo, "But, I guess you want me to leave you alone." "Yes, please before someone else bothers me once again," I said, "Ugh, do they not know that I need my alone time or do they not care about me anymore?" "We care about you," said Rukia, who was ready to come in. Ichigo immediately pulled her away, same with Renji and his son, closed the door, I finally locked it and exhaled sharply. I booted up my laptop to watch some videos, it doesn't really matter at this point, when I got on YouTube, I saw a bunch of mail in my inbox. I clicked on that, I received messages from the ones who I love to watch.

Markiplier, being the first, he said that he loves on how much thought I put into each segment of my videos, I always know on what to say. Then I decided to conclude on my series of the road to Acceptance in Spirit, it was an hour long to do but it was worth it. I decided to make another video but it's going to be heavily about Family Bloodlines and how we treat every one of our family members. 50 minutes goes by, I uploaded both on my channel, Suzuki said to me, "Those were great speeches, milady." "Thanks, now you 2," I said, "I'm setting you guys free in Mistral. That is not an option." I sent them away and now they are free to roam and live in Mistral instead of my own head.

Life Novel, Part 5Where stories live. Discover now