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I love taking my sweet time walking up the mountain, but the one thing that I love the most is being all alone, I never got the chance to spend time with Ulquiorra because we are always bothered by my bloodline, what makes it worse, every time I ordered them to leave, my mother would always tell me that she is my mother and I don't give her orders. That really irks me to no end, I always make sure that my time with Ulquiorra is sacred, once again every time that we have a special moment, mother would always ruins it. Ulquiorra would lash out at her saying that we were having a moment together and that she ruined it, she acted like that she didn't care one bit. That is not how father told me on how she was when he met her, all this time I have been blaming him for not supporting me, but after what Vivi has told me, something is not right. I can't believe that I am doing this but it has to be done, mother said that she was going to be gone for a while, spending time with the Kuchiki Clan so she can help out on what she needs to do here. Why is she back when she is suppose to be in the Soul Society? Something is not right here, something must've happened, I have to get to the bottom of this situation because this will not fly by all means.

I would hate to take away my mother's own power but I have no choice in the matter. I was now hearing footsteps coming my way, I groaned, "Would it kill to be alone for once?" "Sorry, milady," said one of my loyal soldiers, "But, something is happening to your king, you're mother is trying to seduce him to be against you, he told me to go straight to you because he is hiding from her." My eye twitches, she has gone too far this time! No wonder why my children are inside of Ember's Mirror, to get away from her charming spell. I got out my bat wings, they only pop out when I am aggravated enough to rip someone in half.

Third POV:

As soon as Akari took flight, everyone was notified on what was witness by the soldier who told her on what almost happened to Ulquiorra. Word got to the Soul Society and to the REAL Serene Jewel, she looks at everyone who all feels Akari's spiritual pressure rising. It only gets the point where everyone should take notes on why Akari acts in such a way, it can even scare anyone who defies on what she tries to do to fit her needs. The one who doesn't need to take notes, it is Jushiro Ukitake and he knows that this feeling that he feels is what is she HAS BEEN feeling throughout her life in the Soul Society. When Trinity read what was sent to her, she never felt so much hurt in her life, she looks at Byakuya who gives her a look that she needs to leave at once and settle this. She nods and made her way back to Mistral, as she was making her way back home.

Akari made it to her castle, yelled, "Everyone, LEAVE!" They saw her instant change, they scattered. Same with Mugetsu. Lunar, and Dangai, before Mugetsu did, she harshly yanked him towards by the hair. He didn't bother asking her on why she did that but he doesn't want to provoke her in any way shape or form, she asked, "Where is my mother?!" "She is in front your library door!" he answered. That place is holds a very place in her and Ulquiorra's relationship, that is extremely pushing her over to the edge of ending her mother's life. Mugetsu can see and feel this pressure that she is releasing. It's not even Vivi at this point, get this, Akari knows that her name was suppose to be Niku Shimi and what her form was suppose to be a Banshee. Guess what, everyone assume that Vivi was her forbidden from, NO NOT EVEN CLOSE, that was why she sprouted out her bat wings, Morris was taking the blame for this. She stomps her way to where she and Ulquiorra were located, with Ulquiorra, he feels this odd pressure that was unfamiliar with him.

He has no clue as to what or who is this, but when he heard his queen's voice, his breath shortened because she was speaking extremely cold and that is unlike Akari. Then he hears, "I thought you were my mother! I trusted you with all my heart, I thought you supported me into what I did, but all you did was stab me in the back even though I am in control now." "Well, I don't have to listen to you, I am your mother," said the fake Serene Jewel. Akari's final words were, "Until further notice, you are no longer the source of the Psychic Elemental. I have no choice but to take it away, this is for your own good!" From there on, Ulquiorra feels a spell being lifted from everyone who was effected. He now feels her sadness that he wished that was never there in the beginning when they met.

Life Novel, Part 5Where stories live. Discover now