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Deceit's POV:

As I was walking towards her parents, I could easily tell who is fully at fault, that buffed up dude says it all. I cleared my throat, "I am humbly sorry that her Royal Highness is currently unavaible until further notice, if that doesn't get through ta you, let me say this loud and clear. Stop whatever you think will might work on her because right now, this is not a safe place for her to be. This is suppose to be where she keeps you all safe from being in danger!" "What are you to her?" asked her mother. Her Siren like charms does not work on me this time, I smirked, "I'm her guardian, I protect her along with some others that she has chosen herself. She was the one who made that choice, no one else, and it better stays that way from the way she is being treated here." "Do not tell us on how we should control her," says Talon, noticing his biggest flaw. I began to walk away, "That's enough for me to hear, now be on your way out." "Wait, do not be so rude," said Akari's mother. I scoffed, "I'm already charmed by Akari's Sirens charm, you will not work on me. I am loyal to her only, no one else. After all, I am a snake who is loyal to a Centuar." The look I got from Serene Jewel was a sign of defeat, I have won, that is my cue to get the hell out of dodge before she realizes that I have lied big time.

I ran away as fast as I can, holding on to my hat so it doesn't fall off my head. Candlestick walks over to me with a glass of wine, "How did it go?" "I ended it with a big fib, what you do think happened?" I asked, "I'll take the bottle, you have a glass." I took the bottle and began drinking, "I told Jewel that I was already charmed by Akari, which is not the lie, Akari did charm me with her innocent charm." "Yeah that's how she got me to be an elemental," said Candlestick, "What was the lie?" "I also said that Jewel's charm was not effecting when in reality it was," I said, "She's making me questioning on liking the opposite team, which to be honest, I can not convince Thomas into doing that, he has not changed his mind." "I mean, you did what you were born to do," said Candlestick, "I mean, she was trying to do that to only getting on where Akari is at." "Which I ain't telling you, blabber mouth," I sassed him, "Who knows, she might've charmed you into saying all this." He just looked at me with pure shock, "Where is she?" "I ain't telling you squat!" I shouted at him.

I left the throne room, knowing that it is literally impossible to begin another feud.

Vivi's POV:

I was seeing Janus walking away from Candlestick. This is my chance of going back to her, I casually began walking in his direction, he sees me, was ready to attack me, I shouted, "Hey hey, easy, I'm here to help." "Who are you?" asked Janus. I scoffed, "I am Lady Akari's forbidden form, also her sword, she needs me right now." "Oh, so you are the one called Vivi?" he asked, "Wonderful name." "I sense sarcasm in that tone when you said wonderful," I said to him, "Just bring me back to her, enough with the chit chat!" I led him to where the sword was, he hissed, "She forgot to take it with her." Once he got the sword, I made sure it didn't suck him up into the sword, he has the greatest view on who I was, he said, "You were the former evil queen?" "Yes, I am her form, which is why she spared me, if she kills me, she kills herself," I said to him, "I made sure that nothing happens to her within the sword. I am going to be returning the favor."

I walked out of the room that Her Highness always spends time to herself, I made sure he walks out, I locked it, no one goes in there but her. We went our separate ways, I went to the throne room, Candlestick sees me, "Gah! Rebel!" I hissed at him, "Fool!" "Oh, you are the one that she spared," he said. I scoffed, "Of course I am, I am a part of Her Royal Highness." "Yeah right," he mocked, "You do not look similar to her." "Why, is it because I am a spider?" I asked, "I thought you knew better to question on how her Highness thinks things through." "Oh alright, never mind then," said Candlestick. I walked away from him, I can not believe this is suffocating her, I'll do this for her sake. Well, I'm gonna need her permission, I went to where her library is because I can not leave through the portal, I'm stuck here, I was spotted by Neo, she asked, "Do you need her permission for something?" "Yes, I'm doing my duties for her sake," I said to her, "Something has to be done otherwise, she is going to be trusting no one but herself, I need to do this in order for everyone to get an idea on what they are caging up." "Go on through," said Neo.

I went through the portal, I see her just laying there, looks like it's just her, I went to her, "Lady Akari?" "Hm?" she looks at me, "Vivi, what is it that you want?" "I'm here to ask for permission to set things straight with everyone, we can not allow this suffocation to go on any longer," I tell her. She sees the determination in my eyes, "I can't tell anyone this but you, there is a secret chamber that is not seen or can be access to by anyone who is not me. You are me, you can go through. There is a door in the middle that leads to where I separate good souls and bad souls, I have set up a body for you only." "Alright, where is the Spirit Chamber?" I asked her. She tells me, "Behind my throne, beyond the fake painting there is a hidden passage that goes down and curves." "Thanks, I will take it from there," I said to her, "I still need your permission though." "I'm giving you directions to the Spirit Chamber so you could do that," she said.

Well, I had a dumb moment, I didn't know she was giving me permission, she just gave me directions to my own body, as I was about to leave, she tells me, "But the body does not last long, you can only have it for 3 days. I wish there was other ways for you to keep your own body." "I only want to have my own body to emergencies only," I said, "I will only use it for today, since time stops it that world." "Oh yeah, never mind on what I said," she said.

Life Novel, Part 5Where stories live. Discover now