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"What was that !?" Brenda tightens her grip on my arm.

"I don't know. I don't know, but I need you and Scarlet to go to Minho and I's place okay ?" I cup her face in my hands.

"Wha- no I'm not leaving you, don't go please ?"

"I need you to go now Brenda, please go." She has defeat written all over her face as she nods.

"Minho c'mon." We try to trace the scream, following the faint cries that come after.

After a few minutes were led to a small cabin, the screams are no longer audible though.

Minho slowly opens the door and the smell hits us, causing us to gag simultaneously.

"What's that smell !?" We both cover our noses with our shirts, trying to find a source of light in the place.

As soon as we do we regret going altogether.

The scene was brutal, and terrifying. A young girl, maybe 17, was lying on the kitchen counter, her stomach cut out of her body was dangling from the counter, and her tongue was on the floor.

This was the most gruesome scene I had ever been faced with, everything I had eaten that day left my body within seconds.

"Who would do something like this ?" Minho's voice barely a whisper.

I couldn't decipher any words I just nodded, the same question was stirring in my mind. Who did this ? Where were they now ? Were they watching us ?

"We have to go to the council now." The council were, in a sense, our police they made the decisions.


"THOMAS !" Brenda held me tighter than she had ever before.

"Hey" I chuckle lightly.

Minho and I had been sitting at council hall for what felt like hours, we've gotten no word on the mangled girl yet, but I'm sure we both knew her death was no accident.

We had been questioned multiple times and now they were going to question Brenda, Scarlet, and the people neighboring the victim.

"So wait what did you find ? She was just lying there dead ?"

"Uh it was much more than just lying there, her stomach was dangling from her body and her tongue was on the floor." Every time I blinked I was reliving the ordeal.

"That's appetizing." Brenda always seemed to make me laugh in the worst situations.

"Yea so appetizing I lost my dinner right on the spot." She cringed.

"Well who do you think did that to her ?" At this she had me stumped. This was the thought that we all had lingering in the back of out minds. Who in this very place could do such a thing ? Were we all at risk ?

"I don't know, but they'll find out who and everything will be alright. You have nothing to worry about, just stay with me and I'll protect ya." I flex and kiss my arm muscles.

"Yea yea whatever haha. What would I possibly do without my Tommo ?"

"Probably die would be my best guess."

"Probably." and with that I was content.


Ugh this is trash just like me :)) jk not really but anywayssssss, guys I'm so sorry I'm terrible at updating I've just been busy with school and stuff like that.

Okay I'm thinking about making this like a mystery sorta deal like there's a killer and they try to figure out who and blah blah

Would you guys like that ?

Idk comment I guess

Or don't idk

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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