🌷Chapter 10🌷

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"Cho!" Alain shouted at the oldest Ravenclaw girl

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"Cho!" Alain shouted at the oldest Ravenclaw girl.

Hermione, Ron and Alain have found out what has been happening whenever Harry had detention with Umbridge and Hermione and Alain wasn't really happy about it at all and Ron

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Hermione, Ron and Alain have found out what has been happening whenever Harry had detention with Umbridge and Hermione and Alain wasn't really happy about it at all and Ron...well he was just being Ron? And they also found out Ron was practicing for quidditch.

Alain was walking to the Owlry and saw Harry and Cho so she hid so they wouldn't see her.

"Hi," Harry said to Cho.

"Oh...hi. Didn't think anyone else would be up here." Cho said with a soft voice and she moved to a brown school owl while there was an awkward silence. "Have you found a new keep for Quidditch?" Cho asked Harry.

"Yeah, my friend Ron Weasley." Harry told Cho and Alain smiled for being proud of Ron even though he is an idiot.

Cho ties the package she has to the owl. "Is he any good?" Cho asked Harry.

"Well, he made the team. I missed the tryouts." Harry said sadly.

Cho lets go of the owl and it flies out the window. "Yeah, Umbridge. You were really braced, standing up to her." Cho said.

"Harry straightens, smiling "Yeah...well, it was the truth" Harry said.

The Owlery door bursts open and Filch charges in "Right, Potter. I'll have what you're sending." Filch said.

"What?" Harry asked, very confused.
"I have had a tip-off that you are ordering a large quantity of Dungbombs! Now hand it over!" Filch shouted at Harry.

"You're too late, it's gone." Harry said and Filch looked furious.

"Yeah, I saw him send it." Cho said.

Filch regards her for a moment, then turns back to Harry "I get a single whiff of a Dungbomb in the castle, Potter...and you're mine." Filch said and turns and departs.

There is a silence for a moment as Harry and Cho process what had just happened "Um, you weren't ordering dungbombs, were you?" Cho asked since she was worry that if Alain her new best-friend found out about it he will be murder before he could even live for twenty four hours.

"No," Harry said.

"I wonder why he'd think you were?" Cho said and paused for a second "Well, see you, Harry '' Cho said and turned and left the Owlery and Alain chased Cho.

"Cho!" Alain shouted at the oldest Ravenclaw girl.

"Alain!" Cho said, surprised seeing her there.

"Cho, do you l-like Harry?" Alain asked Cho.

"Of course I don't, I only see him as a friend but why do you ask?" Cho said and asked.

"Oh it's nothing but can you maybe give this to Luna I found one of her shoes" Alain said with a smile while handing them to Cho.

"Of course anyway see you later!" Cho said while leaving.


Harry, Ron, Hermione and Alain sit near each other in the common room while Lily was sleeping on a blanket that Alain put on the floor. Around them, people talk, laugh, and study.

Hermione sighs and shuts her book with a SNAP "I don't know how we're ever going to pass our O.W.L.S in Defense Against the dark arts without any practical help! That Umbridge woman is so..." Hermione stopped and looked at Alain, Harry and Ron.

"We've got to do something about her because also four years are having trouble and we aint learning anything either" Alain said and Hermione nodded her head agreeing.

"Yeah, well, poison should do the trick." Ron said and ALain slapped her idiotic brother.

"Don't be dumb Ron. Not her, I meant her teaching. We're not going to learn anything in that class" Alain said.

"Yeah, that's true," Harry said, agreeing with Alain.

"I thought we should do it ourselves," Hermione said.

"I don't know..." Harry said.
There is a tapping sound coming from the window. They turn and look "Hermes?" Ron and Alain questioned.

Ron gets up and goes to the window and opens it. Hermes Deposits a letter in Ron's hands, turns and vanishes out of the window again.ROn opens it and returns to his seat " It's from Percy!" Ron whispered.

"Read it." Harry said.

"You imagine my relief that this is not the case." Ron said and he looks incredulously at Harry, Alain and Hermione.

"Keep reading" Hermione told Ron.

"Give your attachments to using me as a role model, I will give you a bit of advice from one respecter of authority to another." Ron paused for a second "It is likely that you have been seeing quite a lot of Harry Potter of late. I must recommend you break ties with that boy as soon as possible. He may be Dumbledore's favorite, but Dumbledore may not be in charge at Hogwarts much longer. Your loyalties should lie with the Ministry of Magic, not Dumbledore and Potter's personality cult." Ron paused again for a second "Please do not fear breaking ties with Potter. If trouble arises, go to Dolores Umbridge, a truly delightful woman." Ron paused and Alain finally grabbed the paper and read it instead "I hope you will carefully consider my advice to you, Ron. Don't let Potter, and unfortunately our parents lure you into destroying a perfectly good career and also if you would please tell Alain that Lily doesn't need Harry Potter as a father since he doesn't deserve her or Alain at all. Percy." Ron and Alain look at Hermione and Harry.

"Well if you want, ah "break ties" with me, or "wont let me be Lily father" I won't get violent.

Ron tears the letter in half "He is the world's biggest git!" Ron shouted.

" I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with you Ron." Alain said while grabbing Lily and going up to the girls dormitory.

Author note: I was meant to post this chapter yesterday and I thought I did until I looked very sorry about that mistake anyway hope y'all day is good!

고마워요! [ Thank you! ]

Words count: 1004 Words

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