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Everyone knew Crona's personality and how Crona was quite shy. Just like some people, Crona wanted to communicate with people. It was just hard for them. Crona would usually just observe their surroundings, while trying to understand things. It was not an unusual sight to see Crona looking around the room, instead of paying attention in class.

"Crona?" Maka called out to them, waving her hand in front of their face. They were currently in class.

"E-eh? Oh yeah Maka?" Crona responded to the blonde girl as she let out a small giggle.

"You're spacing out again, Is there something on your mind?" Maka asked giving a small smile.

The truth was, there was something on Crona's mind. It was more like Somebody was on his mind. A new girl had joined the DWMA and sat in the row just below Crona. They couldn't really understand how someone could make them feel nervous when that person hadn't even talked or spoken. It was almost like a spell had been cast. It was... nice in a way?

"I- Well not really... you see-" Crona sighed in defeat "Yeah there is something bothering me, but I don't know if I can explain it.."

Maka raised her eyebrow and looked them, she thought for a moment before talking.

"Well do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

Crona looked at the blonde before looking down at The new girl. He bit the inside of his mouth and stayed silent. This caught the attention of Maka and suddenly she figured out why Crona had been acting so weird.

"Oh Crona." She let out a giggle which caused Crona to look at her.

"W-what's so funny Maka?"

Maka slowly leaned towards Crona's ear before whispering something in it.

"Is it about the new girl Y/n?" She asked. This caused Crona to have a slight blush due to embarrassment.

"W-what!? What gave it away??" Crona whispered-screamed to Maka, causing her to smile.

"Crona, it's okay. Don't worry about it too much. How about you talk to her? I don't know what's got you so worried with her, but maybe you should be her friend!" Maka explained to Crona. Crona didn't want to talk to her and it wasn't necessarily because they didn't like her, or that they didn't' want to be her friend. They just didn't know how to express their thoughts.

Crona thought for a moment before talking to the blonde.

"I cant do it...." They spoke quietly. This caused Maka to frown. She furrowed her eyebrows and breathed in.

"Well.. Why not?" Maka questioned her pink haired friend.

"Well.." Crona started to say, "It's just that She makes me feel a way that I've never felt before, and I haven't even talked to her once. I think she's really pretty, and sweet. I want to know her. It's confusing because I don't know if how I feel is a good thing or a bad thing. I just want to be back to normal, Maka!" Crona said the last part a bit too loud, causing Professor Stein to notice.

"Is there a problem, you two?" He asked the two friends, causing their classmates to stair at them, confused.

"W-wha- No!" Crona managed to say.

"No professor! We're alright." Maka said while rubbing the back of her head, giving the stitched man a smile. He then nodded before going back to teach the class. Crona sighed in relief. Maka had saved them from embarrassment.

After a few second of calming down, Crona looked down below him to where Y/n sat. To their surprise, Y/n was staring at them with a small smile on her face. Once she made eye contact with them, she closed her eyes and smiled. She then turned towards the front of the class.

Crona was a quavering mess. Their lips looked as if they were a squiggly line. A shade of pink dusted on their face.

Crona knew right then and there that he wanted to get closer with Y/n and he was going to write the best poems ever to impress her.

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