The Beginning Again

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             September 12th, nineteen years later after the battle at Hogwarts. I am sitting down currently at my desk, dipping my quill again in some ink. I am about to tell you the story and facts about the goings on now. Nothing is the same. Nothing will ever be the same. Please sit tight, grab a blanket and some hot tea or hot cocoa, and let me tell you these dark and disturbing events.

       It is cold here in London, it has not stopped raining ever since the battle. The weather here sucks badly. No one had any idea these things were going to happen. Some people were deciding to blame these happenings on 'The Boy Who Lived' brought back 'He Who Must Not Be Named'.  People are blaming Harry for all of this and dragging his friend's through everything so he could destroy his enemy. I don't think for one second, that is fair. This world is becoming dark again, history repeating itself.

       Thank you Mum and  dad, for falling into another one of Harry's stupid adventures. This is just going to be another never ending battle. I live my day's in fear post to the choices that Mum, Dad and Harry made. I no longer want to step outside my home.  A miniscule shiver travels down my spine, legs, and arms. I look out my window. it is still pouring. I put my quill down, I close my eyes, and take a deep breathe. Everything is going to be alright. I keep on trying to tell myself that it is going to be alright even though I know that history is already repeating itself.

       I try, on a day to day basis, to look at the bright side of things. It's really hard to because of the drama that they caused. All I can do now just live with the aftermath of what they decided to do and cause.  All I can do  now is just deal with it, try to protect my family as much as I can.  I stand up,  and examine the room around me, it is dark , it seems to me that the electricity went out. I put my hands in my pockets,  and start walking toward my cracked bedroom door and I look through it, I see some light spilling out from the upstairs hallway. I call out for my mom and dad, no answer at all from them. I call for them again, still no answer from them.

           I decide to walk out of my bedroom, I slowly start to make my way across the upstairs hallway,  my feet are ice cold from the hardwood floors. The lights suddenly go out, I gasp and notice that my mom is standing in the middle of the hall. "Mum? Are you alright ? What are you doing just standing there?"

Mum is looking at some framed photos up on the wall. "These photos they, they bring me back so long ago. I can't believe all those years just passed me by." I look at my mum in confusion, "Do you mean Mum"? Mum turns her head to the left and looks at me with tears steaming down her cheeks, "Just, all these years have passed. I just am caught off guard, that is all. I don't understand why Vold.."  

     Mum takes a step back from the framed photos, puts a hand over her eyes and starts to cry. I sigh and walk slowly up to mum, I place my hand on her shoulder, "Mum it's going to be alright. I'm right here. We are in this together. I'm here, not going to go anywhere. You have to trust me, you must." Mum looks up and to her left toward me, "It'a not that I don't trust you, I don't trust what is going to happen. History is repeating itself. We are going to lose everything".

      Thunder roars and rattles the house, rain starts to down pour harder and can hear the vicious drops of the rain hitting the windows and roof of our home. I look up at the ceiling and see the bright white light from the thunder light up the entire ceiling. "Mum, we should alert the ministry that they are back." Mum scoffs, "I'm sure they already know. Best we can do now is just sit back and watch. The fate of our world is in the grasp of .. you know who"..

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