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"Mum .. "

"Mum... "

"Wake up.. we must go now, I received this letter from Harry.. he said we ought to go to Hogwarts. The Ministry Of Magic Is There. We are to come up with a plan to end all of this once and for all"!

It is 8 in the morning, still pouring rain and stormy from the night before. The gloomy, stormy  morning is pouring in and lighting up Mum's bright red bedroom. Mum turns over and faces the other side of the bed. She groans and pulls the comforter over her head. I go ahead and sit on the edge of her bed. I sigh.  "Alright.. alright" Mum pulls the comforter off of her, she sits up reviling a messy bun, squinty age full eyes and a frown. Mum smiles and looks directly at me.

"What"?  I ask mum in curiosity.  "What? You ask me what?

I give mum a concerned look. Mum gives me a look of confusion back at me. I rub my eyes and take a deep breathe.  Mum puts a hand on my shoulder, tilts her head at me and smiles, "Sweet heart, why such worry? Dumbledore was never a good headmaster anyway."    I look at mum in shock and I scoot slowly away from her on the bed. I sit up off the bed and slowly back away from mum. Her head is still tilted to the side as her messy bun is slowly falling to the side of her head. Mum begins quietly laughing to her self. Following her laughter is a bit of sobbing. I continue slowly taking steps back wards until I bump into someone.

       I gasp, slowly turn around, and it is her, Bellatrix Lestrange. A big, evil, wide grin smiles upon me. Her eyes are extra enlarged and glistening with anger. Each corner of her mouth goes from cheek to cheek in a dark, sinister smile. She places both hands on my shoulders and begins shouting at me. "HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOUU"!  She starts pushing me toward my mothers bed. "DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU!"  My feet are dragging along the floor as she is pushing me toward my mothers bed. She doesn't lose eye contact with me until she throws me onto my mother's bed. Once I fall back onto mum's bed, she pulls out her wand, I flinch and cover my eyes. "CRUCIOO"! A green light flashes. 

       Silence fills the air, not one word or sound fills my ears. I cautiously peek through the cracks of my fingers that are covering my eyes, there is nothing but an empty, blank, dark room with nothing but a torch hanging up on the black wall in the room that has a green fire flaming from it. I remove my hands completely from my face, I examine the room around me. What the hell?  I  think to myself. Where is mum? Where is Bellatrix? They were just here a few moment's ago. This is starting to get weird.I slowly sit up in a seated position on the cold, hard wooden, black floor. I slowly but surely begin to stand up. OW! A sharp pain in my lower back occurred. I place a hand on my lower back and then finish unfolding my painful back into a full standing position. I sigh and look around the whole room. 

       There is nothing, no furniture, no bed, no one in sight. The only thing I see is, the torch. I fix my gaze on that torch, I slowly begin to make my way up to the torch. I look closely at it and notice there is writing on it, writing in a different language. A language I have never seen before.  Writing? Writing on a torch? Huh? Weird. 

       I run my finger tips along the engraved writing on the torch.  The more that I examine this language that is written on this torch, it looks like parseltongue. From what I can remember, Harry can speak parseltongue. Mum told me these things when I was younger. But why? Why is there snake language written on this torch? I am bewildered. Who could have engraved this on this torch? And what does this even say in English?  I frown and slowly start to back away from the torch. Whatever message is written on that torch, maybe it is written in Parseltongue because who ever wrote the message, doesn't want me to know what the message says. I look around the room, looking for some sort of door or exit of some kind. There is nothing, no door, no exit, just a dark room with a torch, that has green flames coming out of it. 

      I scratch my head and wonder how I even got here in the first place. Is this a dream? Am I really here? What is going on? Where is Mum and Bellatrix? Why was Bellatrix even here in the first place if Mum put the protective enchantment on our home? What is all this rubbish? I turn around in a big circle around the room to examine the whole thing. Nothing. No exit, no doors, no windows, nothing. I turn around back to where the torch was. Gone. Disappeared. What? That is strange, the torch was just there. If no one is here, how could have the torch just have disappeared like that? Suddenly I start to hear laughter and voices whispering in the walls. I start to spin around the room. The room starts spinning like I am on a magical carousel  at a themepark.

       The voices and laughter gets louder and louder and louder. I sink to the floor and put my hands over my head. I curl up into a little ball and nooooo. The spinning of the room gets faster and faster. Suddenly, it all stops, slowing down. Eventually it stops. I slowly uncover my head and uncurl my body. I stand up and notice that I am still in the same dark room except, there is a door on the other side. Strange.. I start to walk toward the door, there are voices coming from the other side of the door, except the voices are speaking a different language. It sounds like an ancient language spoken hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Parseltongue?  Yeah right. I walk closer and closer and then reach the door just a foot away from it. I put my ear up against the door. The voices now sound far away, like who ever is speaking are walking away from the door. I put my hand on the door knob. It is ice cold. I try and turn it, it is locked. I keep trying to turn it. It still wont budge. I back away from the door and then I run into something, something hard. I turn around, it is a wooden chair. I frown. A wooden chair? Randomly just placed in this  room? For What? 

      I look at the chair in confusion. I examine the chair seeing if there is any writing on the chair at all. Nope. Nothing. I sit down on the chair and I think. I think and think and think. Why am I here? If this is a dream, why haven't I woken up yet? What is this rubbish? I just want to go back, go back home, be back in my bedroom, listening to the rain hitting the windows lightly. I just want to be back where I know I am safe, where I know I am not alone, where I know nothing can get me where I know.. 

     "Wake up! Wake up"! Mum is standing over me looking at me as I am laying on my bedroom floor drenched in sweat.  Mum still has that same messy bun dropping to the side. Oh no I have not woken up yet. How do I know if I am awake or still dreaming? Mum smiles and then bends down next to me. She places her hand on my forehead. "My goodness, your breaking out into a fever. We have to take you to the hospital. You don't look so good".  I look at my mother with the "yeah don't you think" look. I don't even know what is going on right now. How do I know what this is right now is real or fake? "I need to wake up, I need to wake up". Mum looks at me concerned, and with confusion. "What are you talking about that you need to wake up? You really aren't well. We need to take you".  

     Mum stands back up and begins walking toward the exit of my room, but walking straight towards the bedroom wall. She walks right through it.  Yep. Definitely still dreaming. Great. When is this going to end.. Mum walks back through my bedroom wall, back into the room. I pretend that I didn't notice anything weird. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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