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"Silence!" Dumbledore says, he's about to announce the triwizard competitor. He gives his speech and the goblet glows blue before spitting out Victor Krum's name. We all clap, the quiddich fans a bit harder than others. The goblet glows once again and Fleur Delacour's name is called out. Applause rings as she positively flounces to the front. I adjust my vest, messing with my rings nervously.

"Hey, what're the chances we'll be called out?" Cedric assures me.

"Two in about... two thousand...." I say, doing the math quickly in my head. I twist my necklace around my fingers and wipe my sweaty palms on my tye-dye jeans. "I just cannot wait until we're done here so we can laugh about this in the common room."

"The Hogwarts champion will be..." Dumbledore says, "Alexandria Finite," Everyone goes silent as I simply sit there in shock.

"Alex, Alex go up there!" Cedric says, giving me a push.

I stumble down the stairs to the front and people start to applaud, I shake Dumbledore's hand before heading towards the door in the back. Collapsing in one of the chairs, Krum and Fleur eye me warily.

"And just who are you?" Fleur asks in an annoying french accent.

"Alex, Alex Finite." I numbly say.

Barely two minutes later, a familiar black haired Gryffendor boy stumbles into the room, Like me he's in shock.

"Are you here to escort us back?" Fleur asks and I wish he would stop talking so much.

"No, no. He's in shock, it's much worse than that. What's wrong? Harry, right?"

Yeah... I'm Harry, Harry Potter"

Twenty minutes, much confusion, and a bit of unnecessary yelling later. I stand against the wall in a hallway and sink down to the ground. Sitting and wallowing in my thoughts, I once again don't notice Snape walk up.

He crouches by me and I look up, "There's nothing you could've done,"  He assures

"I could have refused to put my name in that cup., I could have stopped." I say, "I didn't even put my name in. I put in Cedric's and he put in mine, It's a trust thing."

"Well there's nothing you can do about it, and there's nothing I can do about it. Trust me, I've tried." He says, holding out a hand to help me up. I graciously accept and realize that four hours has passed. "Now, I suggest you go back to your common room, seeing as your Diggory will be awaiting you."

"Nah, I do this a lot so he'll have gone to bed by now." I say, drying the tears I didn't know had been shed.

"You run amok at the early hours of the morning?" Snape asks, raising one eyebrow.

"Yes and no, he doesn't know about that. I'll just disappear without a trace when I want to be alone. He learned a few years ago to just stop asking." I say, shoving my hands into my pockets and looking at my feet, expecting to get in trouble.

"Is there....." He starts and I look up, "anything that calms you that wont get you detention?"

"Just potions, sir, but I wont trouble you with that." I say, heading down the hallway towards the stairwell.

"Dragons," He calls after me.

"Excuse me?" I turn around.

"The first task is Dragons. I expect that Maxime and Karkaroff will tell their competitors, and you'll undoubtedly tell Potter so now that playing field is even." He says, taking a half step towards me before turning around and walking off. "Try not to get into too much trouble Finite."

"I'll try Professor," I whisper to myself before heading to the common room to get my cloak. Sneaking back out of the barrel door to the common room, I cast a disillusionment charm on myself so no teacher will see me. Sneaking out the doors, I run down to the Black Lake. I always come down to the lake on the days when my insomnia gets bad. Or when the girls in the common room get on my nerves with their girly stuff. They talked for three hours just about boys' noses. Noses! How do you talk for that long about a nose?


Long afloat on ship less oceans, I did my best to smile; 'til your singing eyes and fingers drew me loving to your isle; And you sang, 'sail to me, sail to me, let me enfold you; Here I am, here I am, waiting to hold you.' Did I dream you dreamed about me? Were you hare when I was fox? Now my foolish boat is leaning broken lovelorn on your rocks; For you sing 'Touch me not, touch me not come back tomorrow, oh my heart, oh my heart, Shies from the sorrow'; I am as puzzled as the oyster, I am as troubled at the tide; Should I stand amid the breakers? Or should I lie with death my bride? Hear me sing 'swim to me, swim to me, Let me enfold you, oh my heart, oh my heart is waiting to hold you'


I wake up leaning against the tree in broad daylight with the new Defence Professor leaning over me. He grins wickedly, "A disillusionment charm doesn't fool my eye." He points to his fake magic eye, "Morning Alexandria"

"G-morning Professor, What time is it?" I ask, stretching and removing the charm.

"About eleven thirty. You've missed Transfiguration and are about to miss Potions." He says, his magic eye roving dizzily around.

"What!" I yelp, jumping up and grabbing my cloak, "You can give me detention later! I have to get going!"


I slip into the dungeon classroom to find everyone hard at work on their assignments. I catch Cedric's eye and nod, signaling that everything's fine. "Hey," I say to Professor Snape when he approaches me, "I went down to the lake last night to get some fresh air.... and well.... I kinda fell asleep.... and I may have detention because Professor Moody's eye saw through my disillusionment charm." I smile what I hope is a convincing 'I'm okay' smile before slipping into my seat.

Snape only opens the textbook to another extremely advanced potion before walking away. When he goes, I could've sworn I heard him chuckle. But I must be imagining things.


I yelp as the Horntail's, well, tail catches between my shoulder blades, throwing me across the arena. I look up to where Cedric and the twins are yelling at me to get up and be okay, then I look over to the left and see Snape looking genuinely concerned. That is what propels me to get up and shoot the blasted dragon between the eyes with one of my favorite spells, Deprimo. Which effectively missed and instead hit a boulder. I dive behind another rock and feel the Horntail start to blast it with fire. "Glacius!" I yell and the dragon starts to cough up smoke instead of fire. Hitting it with Confringo, I run for the golden egg that supposedly holds our next clue.

  Snatching the egg I make a beeline for the gate out, barely making it. But not before the Hungarian Horntail took out a sizable chunk of my jacket, clothes, and part of my skin. That'll be hard to replace, I think right before passing out.

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