Ch 7

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I skip down the hallway, bag thumping on my back as i turn the corner. I run headlong into someone shorter than me. "Oop, sorry Professor!" I recognize the abundance of pink as Professor Umbridge.

"It is no problem Miss Camp." She says, adjusting her sweater, "And where will you be going today?"

"Out to Hogsmeade, I'm meeting some friends in The Hogs Head for butterbeer," I ramble, "We find The Three Broomsticks too noisy and crowded." I fiddle with my scarf nervously.

"Then you'd better get moving, it'll snow soon."

"That's fine, I dont mind the snow." I race off before she can say more, hoping I wasnt too late and the twins didn't leave me.


I waltz up to the parchment, winking at Ron and making him blush. I sign 'Alexandria Finite' with a flourish. (

Hermione grins up at me, making me giggle at Ron's glare sent her way.

 This'll be fun! 


"Educational decree number seven says that 'school uniforms should be worn correctly every school day and house colours on weekends' " Filch says, reading from his parchment that shuts with a snap when he's done.

"That is so unfair!!" I yell, turning to Fred. "Isn't it!?"

"Extremely... I am outraged!" He slams his fist onto his palm, subtly making fun of my anger.

I hold up my wand threateningly, " I will hex you into oblivion." His eyes widen and George starts smothering his laughter in the background. "Don't you dare think I wont."

"N-No, I believe you." He stammers, George gives up on trying not to laugh, "Trust me on that..."

"I don't trust you at all." I joke, sticking my wand begin my ear and fondling my pendant nervously. We've been here for four months now, it's almost Christmas and I still haven't talked to Severus. Not once. I'm starting to think he's avoiding me.

"What's with you?" Fred nocks his shoulder with mine, George throwing an arm around my shoulders.

"Nothing. Just cold." I say, not lying but not telling the truth either. "And you idiots wont help much!"

"We'll just give you lots and lots of cuddles!" They pounce on me, I fall to the ground, smothered by their bigger bodies.

"Nooooo!" I detangle myself, running all the way to the room of requirement. Bolting in the door, I slam it shut. It thumps when they hit it, but I hold fast. Letting out a yelp, I run and hide behind Harry. Laughing loudly she they come in and can't find me.

"Alex.... What are you doing?" Harry asks, peering at me under his arm. He turns, I turn with him. "Alex!" That gets the twins' attention. They turn slowly, solemn faces drawn. I back up one step at a time when they step forward. They let out a loud war cry, scaring me into screaming.

"Let us warm you!"


"Let us warm you!!"


They run forward but I dart away at the last second, making them fall on Collin Creevy. Laughing heartily, Harry calls everyone to attention.

By the time the meeting is over, we all know how to do this awesome new spell, and were promised Patronus' after Christmas.


"Merry Christmas Alex!" Kids call down the corridor, I ignore them, only one thing on my mind. I need to speak with Severus. But, unfortunately, he's still avoiding me. All efforts today have been thwarted, mainly by Umbitch and her hoard of whores. AKA, Umbridge and The Inquisitorial Squad.

"Professor Mcgonagall!" I call down the corridor, making her turn. "Where's Sev- I mean, Professor Snape?"

"I am unsure, have you checked his offices?"

"Yes. I've gone by his office, the classroom, the classroom office, his chambers, the great-" I lost, Mcgonagall interrupting me.

"His champers?" She says, unbelieving. "You've been to his personal chambers?"

"Yeah, why?"

"He's never allowed anyone in there. Ever."

AN: Sorry this is so short.... hahaha, shame on me. It's just that I live in Oklahoma..... and lotsa tornado sh*t is going down...... Thanks a bunch what_is_colour for commenting. Boosted my self-confedence a lot! *¡~¡* peace out b*tches! -Vi

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