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"What are you doing Harry!?" Someone yells, catching my attention right before he hurtles over the bench behind me.

"Alex, have you figured out the clue yet?" He asks, breathless.

"Nope, I have no idea! I tried translating the inscriptions but have had no luck!" I say, pulling the annoying golden egg out of my backpack.

"You do know it opens right?" He says and suddenly I feel like the dumbest person on the planet.

"It opens!?" I yell "What the flipping Hell!? I've been trying to figure out the outside, and it OPENS!!! I give up on life," I throw myself on the bench. "I give up"

"Give it to me,"Harry chuckles. "I think the inside is our clue." He opens the egg and a familiar screech fills the courtyard. He snaps it shut quickly, everyone's eyes looking for the source of the noise.

"Good news Harry," I exclaim, "I know exactly what that is!" I grab the egg and make a beeline for my room. This will take some mental prepping, and a long soak in the prefect bathroom.


"So get this," I say to Harry the next day. "I'm not gonna tell you outright what it is, but I will tell you how to figure it out. Take a bath in the prefects bathroom, the password is thistle now. Take the egg, mull things over. Maybe Myrtle will help you a bit, she seems fond of you." I wink before turning around. "Bathroom's in the basement, third tapestry on the right!"


I stand shivering in my black swimsuit on the dock, I hate winter. Even though it's supposed to be spring already.

"Hey, thanks for that." Harry says, chewing what I presume is gillyweed.

"Gillyweed?" I ask

"Yeah, what'd they do?"

"I'm guessing frenchie's gonna do somethin simple like bubblehead. And Russia is gonna try to transfigure himself, he's gonna fail. I heard him talking about it yesterday." I say, shivering.

"ah, what are you doing?" He asks right before Dumbledore begins to talk.

"You'll see." I whisper.

He makes a face, then they tell us to get ready. I take off the yellow swimsuit cover, set my wand down (which raises a few whispers), then take off my amulet. Setting it on the dock, I feel it's effects ebbing off quickly. I'll have to get in the water soon. The cannon goes off, signaling the start, everyone dives into the water, I wait a few seconds then swan dive in after.

I feel my hair changing then brace for the impact of the tail. My feet and legs web together to form the all to familiar tail. My top changes to the annoying bra that makes me look like a mermaid. I am not, in fact, a mermaid. I am a siren, thank you very much.

I flick my tail experimentally, testing the approximate speed I can go in this water. Good, I can go nice and fast, no one will suspect anything if Im in and out. Dumbledore figured out that I was a siren and called me to his office. We talked about it after Snape had left. I had also figured out that Dumbledore didnt belive any of the stuff that Skeeter wrote, he was more concerned about Snape's well being and the truth.


Two hours later and im still stuck as a Siren. That pendant keeps me in my human form, if I dont have it on I grow my tail. Without it, I'm stuck like this. Well, time to go play with the freaking Merman who thought stealing my pendant would make me want to stay.

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