Day two

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  • Dedicated to Hershey, My Cat


So I'm guessing last night's entry was a lot to take in. So I'll talk more about the good things that happened after that.

I met Hunner, which I talked a little bit about. He's amazing, even to this day. I can't start to explain how much I love him...and as I said yesterday, we can make it through even the toughest things. And he is the reason I'm still here today. He gave me hope when I thought everything was gone. He gave me something to live for. I couldn't ask for anybody different, he's perfect. I got to see him at Swiss, the ski area, for about an hour today, and he made my day. Just his presence made my day.

I played my last season of basketball. Tryouts were actually right after the funeral...but somehow I Still made the team. Okay, I've never liked playing basketball, but I have played my whole life to make Mom happy. So this being the last year of playing was great.

This was also my last year of middle school. I couldn't wait to get out of that place. Our middle school is crappy and old, and our high school was just built a few years ago. It's much nicer and larger.

Marching band!!!! This was my first year of marching band and band camp and all that fun stuff. I love marching band. I wish it was longer than a few months, but whatever, I'll take what I can get.

I noticed my real friends. I met my best friend in marching band. His name is Alec, and he was new to my school and had no friends, so I decided to force him to be my friend...Ha and we are somehow still best friends to this day. And my other best friend Emily, who I have been friends with forever, but we became a lot closer this year. I had a huge fallout with my ex-best friend, Alexis. She is the one I use to always be hanging out with and we were inseparable. But all good things come to an end. She got a new, rich boyfriend, and all of the sudden she didn't want to hang out with me and she kinda became a bitch. Excuse my language but really, it was bad. She began rumors around Swiss and even at school. Stupid things like how I apparently have sex with all these guys and how I am a controlling bitch. I found it funny, the girl that told me about her saying I was having sex with all these guys, laughed when she told me and said, "Don't worry about what she says, she has you and herself mixed up." That made me laugh at the whole thing. But yes, I did confront her, she ended up crying and never talking to me again. It was so pathetic. Anyways, this is what made me realize I have better friends than her, and I don't need her drama in my life.

Well, I'm getting tired...Night, I'll write more tomorrow.



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