Day Three

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Hello there Reader,

So I'm going to take a pause in my depressing back story and talk a little bit about my current life.

So I currently am a Sophomore in high school. And take it from me, your freshmen year you go through A LOT. If you don't understand what I mean, go reread the last entry. My best friend Emily, who I mentioned briefly last entry, moved to another town. That has been hard on me. Its hard to lose a best friend in high school. I really depended on her, she knew me better than myself. We had a "Group" as we called it. Or group consisted of myself, Emily, Micheal, and Alec. I touched on Alec a little bit yesterday also. Since Emily left, he is my #1 go to with my problems if Hunner isn't available. And Michael, I honestly have no idea where to start with him. He's like 6'2 and towers over me. Crazy stuff. He's more of my sporty friend, he plays baseball and football. He's REALLY good at baseball, he was on varsity his freshmen year and he plays in travel leagues. We consider ourselves "Married". To be honest, I don't eve like remember how or when that got started, but it did. We don't like each other or anything like that(EW), we are just really good friends. I miss the group though. The last time we were all together was for Alec and Micheal's Birthdays. No, they aren't twins, they are exactly a year apart. It's weird, but east to remember. I REALLY miss Emily though. I would do anything to get her back. School's not the same without her, I have nobody to make fun of all the fake bitches with. It's sad. I dunno, I think Emily and I will always be close friends even if we are apart for a long period of time.

Okay, back to my day. So I woke up today and Mom just left. Like I dunno where she even went, so Drew and I had to walk to school...Okay, if you live in a warm place, I envy you. I live in Michigan, we have like two feet of snow and the sidewalks are iced over and it was like -15 this morning. Of all mornings, she picks the coldest one of the week. Thanks, Mom. So yeah, that started my day out pretty crappy. And when I finally got to school after my 20 min walk from home, I was freezing. I barely made it up the stairs, I couldn't feel my legs. Then I ended up talking to my morning crew which consists of most of the sophomores who have English first hour. Matt (who is in CP with me and has funky eyebrows), Michael, Autumn (My amazing friend who gives great advice and calls herself my stoner friend. She's not kidding), Mikki (One of my friends who I have known forever and she is a major fangirl), Jake (Who I snowboard with and he's just a great guy in general), Andrew (When he gets to school on time I guess. He actually came to my school from Hunner's school, so he' a friend we both share. And he is a great guy, but really strange at times), and Noah (He's another one of my newer friends this year, but he has proven to be a good one. He's helped me through a lot in the past few months and I couldn't ask for a better friend). Then when the "Almost Tardy" bell rings, I walk with Autumn and Matt to CP English. Which is taught by the worst teacher ever. Well, I don't mean like she's a bad teacher, but she has something against me I think. She always gives me funny looks and I have never received an "A" on anything, and I'm in the top 10 for my class. Like she is trying to make me feel bad about myself. But whatever, I try to make the best of it. I sit right in front of Autumn, and we talk all hour. We get yelled at most of the time, but whatever. Then after that class I go to History, I love History. I'm really good at the subject and the teacher is one of my favorites. Then off to the gym. I love the class, its a great time to not have to sit in a chair for an hour. It's also kinda bad because, well, its freshmen PE. I didn't have room for it last year, so I am the only Sophomore in there. Kind of awkward, but whatever. The teacher is also a huge dick, but I don't ever talk to him so okay. The off to lunch. We have the worst lunches ever. For example, today's meal was nacho chips and nacho cheese with taco meat. How is that even a meal? I sat with Alec and Michael and Noah and Greg today. Some days I sit with Mikki and the group she sits with. Then after lunch I make my way to Biology with Michael and Alec. That class is so boring, but since Michael and Alec are in there they make it fun. Then after that we go to Algebra 2. My favorite class by far. Last semester I had a 96% even after the exam. And this semester is even better, all of my friends are in there, which is weird because Algebra 2 is a Junior class, but most of us took extra math classes to get ahead in middle school. Then after that I usually walk to band with Alec. Band is another one of my favorite classes. The director, Marge, is a complete wacko. She is a lesbian, to start off. She's a family friend and she is crazy. She has gray hair that is about two inches tall...yes TALL. She spikes it straight up. It slightly resembles grass, if the grass was gray, of course. The other day she threw her baton at a kid and somehow broke the baton. Now she has a "Child Proof" one which is basically a long toilet paper roll duct taped together. Which she still throws it at kids but at least there isn't a pointy end anymore. She also threatens daily to drive her snowmobile of a cliff if we continue to suck. Or how one day she said we weren't emphasising a note enough, and she told us to play like we were giving birth...even though she has never given birth. And then she went on to talk about why she never wanted/wants to have kids. She's like 60 so I'm hoping she isn't planning on having one anytime soon.... Anyways then after band, I walk home, this time it was snowing...yay me. Okay, I'm getting tired...



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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