Keigo takami (Hawks) x reader pt.2

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Hawks was still in his hero uniform, it always seemed pretty comfortable so you never really questioned why, all though one time when you did ask he just said, "aw come on, you know I gotta be on that 24/7 grind! I would at least like to be comfortable while taking down villains (y/n)."

When you followed him to the living room, you just couldn't stop thinking about the nickname but you decided not to let it get in the way of having a fun afternoon with your best friend. Hawks sat on the couch with a small huff, he was clearly tired from hero work. Sitting down next to him, you ask, "so what do you wanna do today?" His head perked up and his face lit up, "oh! I have this thing planned for us already, but it has to be a secret!" He said excitedly, "he's clearly up to something" you thought jokingly.

You quietly laugh and look at him with a joking side eye, saying "oh really? And why would that be?" jokingly. Hawks snickered a little and said, "oh, just because." Now you know something is up, but it doesn't seem to be anything bad, just some kidding around.

Hawks then asked, "so, would you be ok with it if I took you someplace tonight?" You thought for a moment then replied "sure, I'm ok with that." Hawks smiled, hoping that tonight would work out just as planned. He stood up and offered his hand to you, you smiled and took his hand. He pulled you up from the couch. "would it be ok if I change real quick, I don't really wanna go out in this" you said while gesturing to your clothes. Hawks chucked and light-heartedly said "sure, just don't make me wait too long alright dove?"

You let go of his hand and quickly walk to your room, along the way you couldn't stop thinking about the nickname, not that it really bothered you, just a little unexpected to say the least. Opening the closet you browsed through different clothes to pick just the right one. (A/n. I'm not gonna describe an outfit so that you guys can pick one you like for your character). Once you finally picked the one you wanted, you quickly put it in and checked yourself in the mirror to see if it was just right. You smiled, feeling confident that you looked good.

Walking out of your room you see hawks relaxing in the couch, waiting. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long, I'm sorry if I did." You said. Hawks smiled and said, "you didn't- oh!" He looked over at you with awe, you looked so good. He mumbled something to himself before saying, "wow, you look just...stunning!" His face was awe struck. His stood up and walked a little closer, smiling as he did. You smiled at the compliment and thanked him. After finally getting his bearings he asked, "so in order to get to the place I wanted to take you we would need to fly, I'm hoping your ok with that. It isn't too far I promise." You nod and ask "I don't mind, but how are you gonna fly with me?" Hawks looked flustered for a moment but he snapped back to his usual self and said, "well I can hold you in my arms till we get there." You blush slightly, and smiled saying, "that's fine, whatever your ok with, it's your surprise after all."

He stepped a little closer and asked, "are you ready to go dove?" Extending his hand out for you to grab, you nod you head and place your hand in his. He pulls you closer and picks you up princess style and carries you out the door and into the beautiful night sky.

The stars were just starting to appear on the horizon and the moon was out to play as the sun lowered. Hawks held you almost protectively to his chest, flying higher and higher til you could see the tops of buildings below you. You both near a pretty tall building, and from what you can see it looks like someone had placed out something on top of the roof.

You guys carefully lowered onto the roof and Hawks carefully put you down on your own two feet. He smiled and said, "tada! I set out a nice dinner here for us, i hope you like the view." You looked across the sky line, bewildered by the beautiful cite. "Wow, I- this is amazing! It's so pretty." You say. Looking at him with a smile. He looked back form the skyline towards you quietly saying, "you know, I have something to tell you." With a slightly flustered face, no longer bothering with the usual heroic mask he wore. "I love you, I have for awhile, I just couldn't seem to tell you. I got... I got scared to be honest, of how you would respond. But now I just need you to know." He said, looking away from you. You paused, before smiling with glee. "I love you to, hawks. I just couldn't say it either." You said before moving closer to him and leaning on his shoulder. The dinner long for gotten, as he takes you chin in his thumb and index finger and lifting you chin for a kiss


Words: 904

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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